BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20081207T000000Z DTEND:20081207T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Book Signing with Mary Woodward\n\n<strong>Free and open to the public\, reservations required.</strong>\n<em>In Defense of Our Neighbors </em> is a personal\, stirring account of one couple's fight to help a com munity grapple with the internment of its Japanese American citizens--the first group in the country to be forcibly exiled. Written by Walt & Milly Woodward's daughter\, Mary Woodward\, the book offers a unique perspective on a troubling chapter of American history. In her presentation\, Woodwar d\, who still lives on Bainbridge Island\, will offer unique insights on b oth the community that approached this crisis like no other in the country \, as well as the brave\, principled couple that today remains a symbol of heroism to the Japanese American community and defenders of civil liberti es.\n\nSponsored by Japan-America Society of Oregon\, Portland JACL\, and Oregon Nikkei Endowment.\n\nRSVP by December 5 to:\n\nJASO\n312 NW Second Ave\nPortland\, OR 97209\nTel: 503-552-8811\n DTSTAMP:20240601T031024Z SUMMARY:In Defense of Our Neighbors book signing with author Mary Woodward URL:/en/events/2008/12/07/in-defense-of-our-neighbors/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR