BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20090701T000000Z DTEND:20090701T000000Z DESCRIPTION:July 1 on Wed. - The Cultural Alliance Celebrates Brookfield Zo o's 75th Birthday\, In addition to numerous birthday festivities that the Zoo is planning\, visitors will have a chance to see a variety of programs from our Core Members and their ethnic communities\, including stage perf ormances\, arts and crafts\, storytelling\, and other exciting activities. The Chicago Japanese American History Society will participate in the eve nt. 10:00 to 6:00\n\nBrookfield Zoo is located at First Avenue between Ogd en Avenue and 31st Street in Brookfield\, Illinois\, just 14 miles west of downtown Chicago. There are exits to First Avenue from the Eisenhower Exp ressway (I-290) and from the Stevenson Expressway (I-55). Signs on First A venue will direct you to the zoo's main entrance and zoo parking—or you can just follow the lion's roar.\n\nYou can get door-to-door driving direc tions via MapQuest\, or call the Brookfield Zoo Guest line at (708) 688-80 00 for more information. If you're calling from outside Chicago or from th e suburbs dial (866) GoToZoo OR (800) 201-0784. ookfield/Events/75th-Celebration DTSTAMP:20240603T092825Z SUMMARY:Brookfield Zoo 75th Birthday Party with Ethnic and Cultural Events July 1st URL:/en/events/2009/07/01/brookfield-zoo-75th-birthday-party-with-ethnic-an d/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR