BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100131T000000Z DTEND:20100418T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Oregon Nikkei Endowment begins its 20<sup>th</sup> year in 2010 with a <a href="">new exhibit of moving photographs</a> by <em>Oregonian</em> photographer Motoya Nakamura. <em>Images of the 442nd</em> will open to the public January 31\, 2010\, at Oregon Nikkei Legacy Center and run through April 18\, 2010. Through a grant funded by the Regional Arts and Culture Council (RACC) and assista nce from Oregon Nikkei Endowment\, Motoya Nakamura has produced a new grou p of photographs documenting and honoring the veterans and families of the 442<sup>nd</sup> Regimental Combat Team.\n\nThe 442<sup>nd</sup> was a un it consisting entirely of Japanese American men\, segregated from the rest of the army during World War II. &ldquo\;The motto of the 442<sup>nd</sup > Regimental Combat Team was &lsquo\;go for broke.&rsquo\; It&rsquo\;s a g ambling term that means risking everything on one great effort to win big. The soldiers of the 442<sup>nd</sup> needed to win big. They were Nisei & mdash\; American-born sons of Japanese immigrants. They fought two wars: t he Germans in Europe and the prejudice in America. The 442<sup>nd</sup> Re gimental Combat Team was the most decorated unit for its size and length o f service\, in the entire history of the U.S. Military&hellip\; In total\, about 14\,000 men served\, ultimately earning 9\,486 Purple Hearts\, 21 M edals of Honor and an unprecedented eight Presidential Unit Citations.&rdq uo\; &mdash\; Go For Broke National Education Center\n\nThe poignant photo graphs included in this exhibition have special significance to Motoya. He set out to document the saga of the local Oregon Japanese American WWII v eterans while they were still living. What ultimately resulted was a deepl y emotional connection to the project and the families\, and a legacy to p ass on to future generations. Motoya explains\, &ldquo\;I do not want my c hildren to experience what these veterans had to go through: war and racia l prejudice. I feel destined to expand this project so that the body of wo rk will become proof of human courage over hardship.&rdquo\;\n\nThrough th ese thought-provoking photographs and oral histories from the veterans the mselves\, the exhibit reveals the hardships\, dedication and patriotism of this incredible group of men. Join us at the Oregon Nikkei Legacy Center as we celebrate this special and decorated group of Oregon veterans throug h the work of Motoya Nakamura. The exhibition will run January 31 &ndash\; April 18\, 2010.\n\nLearn more at <a href=""></a> . DTSTAMP:20240601T081029Z SUMMARY:New Exhibit--Motoya Nakamura: Images of the 442nd URL:/en/events/2010/01/31/new-exhibit-motoya-nakamura-images-of-the-442nd/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR