BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100211T000000Z DTEND:20100606T000000Z DESCRIPTION:In time for Girls Day\, held the third day of the third month\, the Academy presents three sets of dolls from the Edo-Meiji (1868-1912) p eriods. The exhibition celebrates this gift from the Tsuji family\, which collected the dolls in the early 20th century and donated them to the muse um in 2002\, and is the Academy&rsquo\;s way of offering the community wis hes for an auspicious spring season.\n\nGirls Day originated as hina matsu ri (Doll Festival) or momo no sekku (Peach Festival)\, one of Japan&rsquo\ ;s most important annual festivals. This celebration finds its origins in ancient Chinese ceremonies dating to the Zhou dynasty (ca. 1050 BC-256 BC) \, in which female shamans (wu) would purify their communities of negative influences by driving them away on flowing water. According to one early Chinese source\, &ldquo\;In the third month when the peach blossoms are on the water\, it is a custom in the state of Zheng (modern Henan province) to conduct the Third Month High Ceremony&hellip\;Grasping orchids\, [the s hamans] call upon departed souls\, sweeping away the inauspicious.&rdquo\; &nbsp\; Another early account adds\, &ldquo\;During the Third Month High C eremony\, the officials and the people all cleanse themselves in eastward flowing water\, washing to eliminate lingering impurities.&rdquo\;\n\nThis custom entered Japan by the Heian period (794-1185)\, when in a ceremony known as hina nagashi (&ldquo\;doll floating&rdquo\;)\, dolls symbolizing the negative energies of the past winter were set adrift on boats to the s ea\, giving a fresh start to the new spring. This custom still survives\, most notably at Shimogamo Shrine\, one of Kyoto&rsquo\;s oldest Shinto shr ines. A time when the young people of a community could interact more free ly than usual\, the date has become best known as Girls&rsquo\; Day\, whic h\, together with Boys&rsquo\; Day (fifth day of the fifth month)\, celebr ates the children of Japan.\n\nDuring the Edo period (1615-1868)\, girls b egan to collect sets of dolls that were displayed on tiered platforms duri ng the celebrations surrounding the third day of the third month. Often qu ite elaborate\, these sets represent the imperial court of the Heian perio d\, complete with Emperor\, Empress\, and a retinue of courtiers. &mdash\; SHAWN EICHMAN\, CURATOR OF ASIAN ART\n\nFor hours &amp\; admission\, visit &nbsp\;<a href="" target="_blank">http://ww</a> DTSTAMP:20240602T004011Z SUMMARY:Hina Matsuri: Japanese Dolls from the Tsuji Family Collection URL:/en/events/2010/02/11/hina-matsuri-japanese-dolls-from-the-tsuji-family / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR