BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100320T000000Z DTEND:20100409T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Silent Auction Fundraiser: Friday\, April 9\, 6-9pm</st rong> \n TICKETS $40 includes dinner and live entertainment\n Tickets avai lable at the National Nikkei Museum &amp\; Heritage Centre | 604.777.7000\ n\n<strong>Gallery showcase</strong> : March 20 - April 9\, admission by d onation\n\nJoin us for the second annual Artist Showcase! Celebrate our am azing community of Asian Canadian artists and help raise funds for the Nat ional Nikkei Museum and Heritage Centre. This showcase of Asian Canadian a rtists is guaranteed to be a crowd-pleaser\, featuring gorgeous pieces by a diverse group of contemporary and traditional artists and artisans who h ave generously donated work in all media\, including painting\, photograph y\, sculpture\, ceramics\, mixed media\, jewelry\, and much more.\n\nTicke ts to the<strong> silent auction </strong> on April 9th are only $40. A cr eative buffet dinner will be provided by <strong>Chef Yamamoto from Hi Gen ki\, Pings Wings Wandering Wok\, Miku\, The Eatery\, and CAKE-YA</strong> . Performances by <strong>Yayoi </strong> (dance)\, <strong>Leslie Uyeda & amp\; Heather Pawsey</strong> (piano and vocals)\, and <strong>Nishihara & amp\; Kage</strong> (piano and taiko drums) will enliven the gorgeous Elli pse Lobby. The evening will be MCed by actor and radio personality <strong >Tetsuro Shigematsu</strong> .\n\nBring your wallets and be prepared for f antastic\, high quality art at amazing deals\, delicious and creative food \, live performances and fabulous company &ndash\; a chance to hob-nob wit h good taste!\n\nRevisit our website for a complete listing of art availab le for auction.\n <a href="">http://www.nikkeip</a> DTSTAMP:20240601T101237Z SUMMARY:Asian Canadian Artist Showcase & Art Auction URL:/en/events/2010/03/20/asian-canadian-artist-showcase-art-auction/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR