BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20110707T000000Z DTEND:20110722T000000Z DESCRIPTION:&ldquo\;Arguably North America&rsquo\;s premiere showcase for J apanese film&rdquo\; (<em>Firefox News</em> )\, <em><strong>JAPAN CUTS</st rong> </em> has become the world&rsquo\;s largest showcase of contemporary Japanese film\, showing the diversity and vitality of one of the most ex citing world cinemas\, and ranging from refined\, high-concept art house titles to popular and grindhouse genre movies. \n \n Now in its fifth con secutive year\, <em>JAPAN CUTS</em> 2011 includes 32 new titles&mdash\;th e biggest line-up in the festival&rsquo\;s history with (almost) nothing but premieres and one-day only shows&mdash\;screening from July 7 to 22\, including 10 co-presentations with the New York Asian Film Festival (NYA FF).\n \n Profound and/or pervy\, frivolous and/or momentous\, all the fil ms selected have a brand of unyielding artistry and out-of-control eccen tricity\, offering you the hard\, the rough\, the sharp\, the smooth and the soft edge of today&rsquo\;s film scene from Nippon!\n\nFor movie listi ngs\, please visit: DTSTAMP:20240601T095325Z SUMMARY:Japan Cuts URL:/en/events/2011/07/07/japan-cuts/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR