BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20111103T000000Z DTEND:20111204T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>THE LANGUAGE ARCHIVE</strong>\nBy <strong>Julia Cho</st rong>\nDirected by <strong>Jessica Kubzansky</strong>\n\nMeet George\, a l inguist\, a master of languages\, who cannot express his love for his wife --and ends up losing her. Follow this whimsical and heartbreaking look at love and language that asks\, "How do we save what is dying?"\n\n<span sty le="LETTER-SPACING: normal\; FONT-FAMILY: Franklin Gothic Book">Cast: <str ong>Jennifer Chang</strong>\, <strong>Kimiko Gelman</strong>\, <strong>Nel son Mashita</strong>\, <strong>Jeanne Sakata</strong>\, and <strong>Ryun Y u</strong>.\n\nUnderstudies:&nbsp\; <strong>Lovelle Liquigan</strong>\, <s trong>Sharline Liu</strong>\, and <strong>Peter James Smith</strong>.\n\nS et Design:&nbsp\; <strong>Francois-Pierre Couture</strong>\nLighting Desig n:&nbsp\; <strong>Jeremy Pivnick</strong>\nCostume Design:&nbsp\; <strong> E.B. Brooks</strong>\nOriginal Music &amp\; Sound Design:&nbsp\; <strong>B runo Louchouarn</strong>\nProperty Master:&nbsp\; <strong>Michael O'Hara</ strong>\nStage Manager:&nbsp\; <strong>Katherine E. Haan</strong>\n\nFor s howtimes and ticket prices\, visit the East West Players' Web site at <a h ref=""></a> DTSTAMP:20240608T070540Z SUMMARY:PLAY: The Language Archive at East West Players URL:/en/events/2011/11/03/play-the-language-archive-at-east-west-players/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR