BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120526T000000Z DTEND:20130113T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Rinpa is a modern term that refers to a distinctive style of Ja panese pictorial and applied arts that arose in the early 17th century an d has continued through modern times. Literally meaning &ldquo\;school of Korin\,&rdquo\; Rinpa derives its name from Ogata Korin (1658&ndash\;171 6)\, a celebrated painter\, potter\, and lacquer designer from Kyoto. It embraces art marked by a bold\, graphic abbreviation of natural motifs\, frequent reference to traditional court literature and poetry\, the lavis h use of expensive mineral and metallic pigments\, incorporation of calli graphy into painting compositions\, and innovative experimentation with n ew brush techniques. \n \n The Metropolitan Museum of Art will present an exhibition featuring some 75 brilliantly executed works of art created i n Japan by the Rinpa-school artists. The exhibition will be held in two r otations\, the first opening on May 26\, 2012\; the second on September 1 2\, 2012. Highlighting the school&rsquo\;s most prominent proponents\, <s trong><em>Designing Nature in Japanese Art: Rinpa Aesthetics\, 1600s to Mo dern Times</em> </strong> will trace the development of the Rinpa aestheti c and will demonstrate how its style continued to influence artists throu ghout the 19th and 20th centuries. Comprising some 50 works from the Muse um&rsquo\;s own holdings supplemented by some 25 loans from public and pr ivate collections on the east coast\, the exhibition will include many ma sters&rsquo\; renowned works in a variety of media&mdash\;painting\, text iles\, lacquerware\, and ceramics. DTSTAMP:20240601T012358Z SUMMARY:Designing Nature: The Rinpa Aesthetic in Japanese Art URL:/en/events/2012/05/26/designing-nature-the-rinpa-aesthetic-in-japanese/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR