BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20121118T000000Z DTEND:20130225T000000Z DESCRIPTION:From the mid-1950s through the 1960s\, Tokyo transformed itself from the capital of a war-torn nation into an international center for ar ts\, culture\, and commerce\, becoming home to some of the most important art being made at the time.&nbsp\;<em>Tokyo 1955&ndash\;1970: A New Avant- Garde</em>&nbsp\;provides a focused look at the extraordinary concentratio n and network of creative individuals and practices in this dynamic city d uring these turbulent years. Featuring works of various media&mdash\;paint ing\, sculpture\, photography\, drawings\, and graphic design\, as well as video and documentary film&mdash\;the exhibition offers a story of artist ic crossings\, collaborations\, and\, at times\, conflicts\, with the city as an incubator. It introduces the myriad avant-garde experiments that em erged as artists drew on the energy of this rapidly growing and changing m etropolis.\n\n<em>Tokyo 1955&ndash\;1970: A New Avant-Garde</em>&nbsp\;bri ngs together some of the most iconic works from the period as well as work s recently discovered or reevaluated by new scholarship. A significant num ber are already part of MoMA&rsquo\;s collection\, while others are on loa n from important public collections in Japan and the United States. Artist s in the exhibition include artist collectives such as Jikken Kobo (Experi mental Workshop)\, Hi Red Center (Takamatsu Jiro\, Akasegawa Genpei\, Naka nishi Natsuyuki)\, and Group Ongaku (Group Music)\; critical artistic figu res such as Okamoto Taro\, Nakamura Hiroshi\, Ay-O\, Yoko Ono\, Shiomi Mie ko\, and Tetsumi Kudo\; photographers Moriyama Daido\, Hosoe Eikoh\, and T omatsu Shomei\; illustrators and graphic designers Yokoo Tadanori\, Sugiur a Kohei\, and Awazu Kiyoshi\; and architects Tange Kenzo\, Isozaki Arata\, and Kurokawa Kisho\, among others.\n\nIn conjunction with&nbsp\;<em>Tokyo 1955&ndash\;1970: A New Avant-Garde</em>\, MoMA presents a 40-film retros pective of the Art Theatre Guild\, the independent film company that radic ally transformed Japanese cinema by producing and distributing avant-garde and experimental works from the 1960s until the early 1980s. The retrospe ctive features such filmmakers as Teshigahara Hiroshi\, Shindo Kaneto\, Im amura Shohei\, Oshima Nagisa\, Matsumoto Toshio\, and Wakamatsu Koji. This exhibition runs December 7\, 2012&ndash\;February 10\, 2013\, and is orga nized by Go Hirasawa\, Meiji-Gakuin University\; Roland Domenig\, Universi ty of Vienna\; and Joshua Siegel\, Associate Curator\, Department of Film\ , The Museum of Modern Art.\n DTSTAMP:20240601T124558Z SUMMARY:MOMA's new exhibition on Tokyo 1955–1970: A New Avant-Garde URL:/en/events/2012/11/18/momas-new-exhibition-on-tokyo-19551970-a-new-av/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR