BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130303T000000Z DTEND:20130303T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Join the Japanese American Cultural &amp\; Community Center&nbs p\;&amp\; the Consultate-General of Japan - Los Angeles&nbsp\;for a specia l FREE preview screening of&nbsp\;"EMPEROR"&nbsp\;starring Matthew Fox and Oscar-winner Tommy Lee Jones\,&nbsp\;directed by Peter Webber.\n\nRunning Time: 106 Minutes\nRated: PG-13\n\nQ&amp\;A/Discussion with the film's pr oducers to follow\n\n<strong>Free and open to the public</strong>\n\nMore about the film:\nMatthew Fox (WORLD WAR Z\, ALEX CROSS\, &ldquo\;Lost&rdqu o\;) joins with Academy Award winner Tommy Lee Jones (LINCOLN\, NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN\, THE FUGITIVE\, HOPE SPRINGS)\, newcomer Eriko Hatsune and a ward-winning Japanese star Toshiyuki Nishida to bring to life the American occupation of Japan in the perilous and unpredictable days just after Emp eror Hirohito&rsquo\;s World War II surrender. As General Douglas MacArthu r (Jones) suddenly finds himself the de facto ruler of a foreign nation\, he assigns an expert in Japanese culture &ndash\; and psychological warfar e &ndash\; General Bonner Fellers (Fox)\, to covertly investigate the loom ing question hanging over the country: should the Japanese Emperor\, worsh iped by his people but accused of war crimes\, be punished or saved? Caugh t between the high-wire political intrigue of his urgent mission and his o wn impassioned search for the mysterious school teacher (Hatsune) who firs t drew him to Japan\, Fellers can be certain only that the tricky subterfu ge about to play out will forever change the history of two nations and hi s heart.\n\nThe film will be released in Los Angeles and most major cities in the U.S. on March 8.\n\n<a href="" tar get="_blank"></a> DTSTAMP:20240607T193658Z SUMMARY:FILM SCREENING: "Emperor" URL:/en/events/2013/03/03/film-screening-emperor/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR