BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130109T000000Z DTEND:20130506T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<a title="From the MoMA website:" href=" it/calendar/exhibitions/1341" target="_blank" title="From the MoMA website :">From the MoMA website:</a>\n\nWorking in video and performance\, Meiro Koizumi (Japanese\, b. 1976) has built a compelling body of work that dea ls with power dynamics on scales from the familial to the national\, and examines questions of political and psychological control. Implicating hi mself\, his performers\, and the viewer through choreographed emotional m anipulations\, Koizumi creates works that straddle the uncomfortable and indefinable line between cruelty and comedy. His first solo museum presen tation in the United States\, <em>Projects 99</em> includes a selection o f earlier projects\, as well as <em>Defect in Vision</em> (2011)\, Meiro&r squo\;s most ambitious and accomplished project to date. Probing the idea of blindness&mdash\;both philosophical and physical&mdash\;the piece is projected on two sides of a single screen\, preventing the viewer from ta king in both views at once. The action follows two performers who repeate dly enact a domestic scene set during World War II. While staged in the h istorical past\, the scene&rsquo\;s portent of impending catastrophe has taken on a new relevance following the Fukushima nuclear disaster\, in a work that is incisive\, thought-provoking\, and visually lush. DTSTAMP:20240612T092728Z SUMMARY:MoMA Projects 99: Meiro Koizumi URL:/en/events/2013/01/09/moma-projects-99-meiro-koizumi/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR