BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20141201T000000Z DTEND:20141201T000000Z DESCRIPTION:After its launch in 2008\, Evernote has reached an incredible 1 00 million users by evolving the way people collect and organize informati on and collaborate effectively to produce their best work. Inspired by Jap anese companies that are still innovating after more than 100 years in bus iness\, Evernote aims to become the world&rsquo\;s first 100-year startup by maintaining its Silicon Valley mentality and embedding entrepreneurship into its corporate DNA. In this talk\, Evernote&rsquo\;s CEO\,&nbsp\;<str ong>Phil Libin</strong>\, discusses the company&rsquo\;s global strategies \, his ideas on how to continuously evolve in this ever-changing world of technology\, and his view on business opportunities and challenges for sta rtups and entrepreneurs in Japan.\n<strong>Speaker:&nbsp\;&nbsp\;\nPhil Li bin</strong>\, Chief Executive Officer\, Evernote<strong>\n\nPresider:\nSe rena Saitto\,</strong>&nbsp\;Senior Technology Reporter\, Bloomberg News<s trong>\n\nAgenda</strong>\n6-6:30 pm&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\; Registration&nbs p\;\n6:30-7:30&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\; Lecture and Q&amp\;A\n7:30-8&nb sp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; Reception&nbsp\;\n<strong>Admis sion:&nbsp\;</strong>\nNon-members: $15 \nJapan Society Corporate Members: Free\, up to designated number of tickets\; additional tickets $10 \nJapa n Society Individual Members at Patron Circle level and above: $10 \nAcade mic and government: $10\nSeating is available on a first come\, first serv ed basis.\n<em>Prepayment must be made with a credit card. All registratio ns and cancellations must be made at least 48 hours prior to the event. Su bstitutions are welcome. </em>\nFor further information or assistance\, pl ease contact the Corporate Program at 212-715-1208 or email<a href="mailto"></a>.&nbsp\; DTSTAMP:20240601T121840Z SUMMARY:Looking Ahead and Beyond: Building the First 100-Year Startup URL:/en/events/2014/12/01/looking-ahead-and-beyond-building-the-first-100-y / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR