BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20150104T000000Z DTEND:20150104T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>FREE* ALL DAY!</strong>\n<span style="color: purple\;"> Celebrate the Year of the Sheep with New Year activities\, performances\, and crafts!\nOshogatsu is one of JANM&rsquo\;s biggest events of the year. Celebrate the Year of the Sheep with arts and crafts\, food\, cultural ac tivities\, and performances!\n\n<li>Sheep balloons by Balloon Monsoon</li> Candy art demonstration and raffle with Shan Ichiyanagi\n<li>Exciting perf ormances by Taikoza and UniverSoul Hip Hop</li><li>Petting zoo with live s heep and goats\, brought to you by Jessie&rsquo\;s Party Animals</li><li>F ree sample bowls of lucky&nbsp\;<em>zaru soba</em>&nbsp\;(buckwheat noodle s) to bring good health in the new year\, courtesy of Kidding Around the K itchen</li><li>Rice pounding\, taiko drumming\, and mochi sampling with Ko dama Taiko</li><li>Special appearance by Hello Kitty</li>&hellip\;and so m uch more!\n\nVisit&nbsp\;<strong><a href=" oshogatsufest" target="_blank"></a></strong>&nbsp\;f or complete schedule.\n\n*Free admission does not include&nbsp\;<em><a hre f="" target="_blank">Hello! Explori ng the Supercute World of Hello Kitty</a></em>. DTSTAMP:20240601T104430Z SUMMARY:2015 Oshogatsu Family Festival - Year of the Sheep URL:/en/events/2015/01/04/2015-oshogatsu-family-festival-year-of-the-sheep/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR