BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20150503T000000Z DTEND:20150503T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong></strong><strong>An all-day adventure at Japan Society! Join us from 11 AM &ndash\; 4 PM</strong>.\n\nStep into the folktales of Peach Boy\, Urashima Taro\, Princess Kaguya and more in a spectacular even t that transforms Japan Society into the set of Japan&rsquo\;s most well-k nown fables. Playful performances\, fantastical films\, and real-life char acters greet children in this all-day adventure.<strong></strong>\n<strong > </strong>\n<strong>Tickets:</strong>&nbsp\;Adults $15/$12 Japan Society individual &amp\; corporate members\; kids (ages 3-12) $8/$6 Japan Society members\; Free for kids 2 and under\n\n<strong>Unlock your imagination wi th these hands-on activities:</strong>\n\n<span />\n<strong>Playful Perfor mances</strong>\nThe wild and colorful troupe&nbsp\;<strong>Theatre Banana &nbsp\;</strong>presents the story of Momotaro (Peach Boy) through interac tive song and dance that the whole family can enjoy. Five performances tak e place throughout the day occurring every hour.\n&nbsp\;\n\n<span />\n<st rong>Captivating Kamishibai Storytelling\n</strong>Children dive into the depths of the sea with Urashima Taro and soar to the moon with Princess Ka guya as they explore the fantastical worlds of these and other folktales t hrough traditional kamishibai storytelling led by&nbsp\;<strong>NY Childre n Cultural Association</strong>. Stories will be read in English and Japan ese. Five performances take place throughout the day occurring every hour. \n<strong>\n</strong>\n\n<span />\n<strong>Art Cart: Kitty Cat Crafts\n</s trong>Create your very own cat ears and other crafts to wear while you roa m through the exhibition\,&nbsp\;<strong><a href="http://www.japansociety. org/page/programs/gallery/life-of-cats"><em>Life of Cats: Selections from the Hiraki Ukiyo-e Collection</em></a></strong>!<strong>\n</strong>\n\n<sp an />\n<strong>Crafty Carp Streamers\n</strong>Children make their own col orful&nbsp\;<em>koinobori</em>&nbsp\;carp streamers. This traditional Chil dren's Day decoration expresses hope that children will grow up healthy an d strong like a carp\, a symbol of strength\, courage\, and success. Suita ble for ages 3 and up with an accompanying adult.<strong>\n</strong>\n\n<s pan />\n<strong>Curious Calligraphy\n</strong>Children discover the art of &nbsp\;<em>shodo</em>&nbsp\;(Japanese calligraphy) in an enchanting folklo re setting. Using brush and charcoal ink on paper\, participants learn how to write simple kanji characters for words related to the featured storie s\, such as peach\, bamboo\, flower\, friend\, monkey\, and moon. Sessions take place every 30 minutes.&nbsp\;Suitable for children of all ages.&nbs p\;<strong>\n</strong>\n\n<span />\n<strong>Unlimited access to</strong><e m><strong>&nbsp\;Life of Cats</strong></em>\nJapan Society's wildly popula r exhibition&nbsp\;<a href=" ery/life-of-cats"><em>Life of Cats: Selections from the Hiraki Ukiyo-e Col lection</em></a>&nbsp\;offers a wealth of artwork and stories from Edo per iod Japan\, ranging from woodblock prints of the mischievous&nbsp\;<em>bak eneko</em>&nbsp\;ghost kitten to statues of the benevolent\, beckoning Man eki Neko.&nbsp\;Children make cat ears and other kitty cat crafts to wear while prowling through the exhibition. In addition to unlimited access to& nbsp\;<em>Life of Cats</em>\, kids can take home their own copies of cat-t hemed&nbsp\;<em>omocha-e</em>&nbsp\;(toy picture cards) based on the artwo rk in the show.&nbsp\;\n&nbsp\;\n\n<span />\n<strong>Peach Boy Sword Fight ing Workshop\n</strong>Parents and kids alike can train for a simulated ba ttle from the story Peach Boy in a hands-on workshop led by&nbsp\;<strong> Samurai Sword Soul</strong>. With sessions offered throughout the day\, pa rticipants watch a dramatic performance in which Momotaro frees an innocen t victim from marauding oni\, and then receive instruction on how to fight safely with choreographed steps and foam swords. During the course of the session\, participants learn the seven samurai virtues:&nbsp\; rectitude\ , courage\, benevolence\, respect\, honesty\, honor and loyalty.\n&nbsp\;\ n\n<span />\n<strong>Art Cart:&nbsp\;<em>Time After Time</em>&nbsp\;Capsul e\n</strong>Children are invited to bring a small nonperishable object to decorate and add to artist&nbsp\;<strong>Sebastian Masuda'</strong>s nine- foot translucent sculpture of Hello Kitty\, installed in Dag Hammarskjold Plaza from April 29 through September 13. Once the sculpture is filled fro m this event and other community events around New York City\, it will hea d to Tokyo to be reunited with other such sculptures from cities around th e world at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.&nbsp\;<strong>\n</strong>\n\n<span />\ n<strong>Fantastical Films</strong>\nThe Stories of Princess Kaguya&nbsp\; and&nbsp\;One-inch Boy come to life on the big screen through&nbsp\;<stron g>Katsuo Takahashi</strong>&rsquo\;s remarkable puppet animation films&nbs p\;<strong><em>The Tiny Boy</em></strong>(1967\, 14 min\, English subtitle s) and<em>&nbsp\;</em><strong><em>The Princess of the Moon&nbsp\;</em></st rong>(1972\, 18 min.\, in English). Perhaps best known for his whimsical p uppet animation of fairytales and folklore\, Takahashi was a pioneer in th e field of animation in the 60s\, though very little of his work has been screened or written about outside of Japan. The two films will be screened together three times throughout the day.&nbsp\;<strong>\n</strong>\n\n<st rong>Feline fun with ASPCA Adopt-a-Cat Van&nbsp\;</strong><strong>\n</stro ng>In honor of the&nbsp\;<em>Life of Cats</em>&nbsp\;exhibition\, and to g ive back to the kitty community\, Japan Society partners with the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) during Folklore Family Day to give kids a chance to pet and play with cats and learn about adoption. Additionally five percent of all sales of the&nbsp\;<em>Life of Cats&nbsp\;</em>catalogue will be donated to the ASPCA.&nbsp\;\n<strong>\ nAnd more!\n&nbsp\;</strong>\nHealthy Japanese light meals\, snacks and fe stival-related refreshments available for purchase by&nbsp\;<a href="http: //"><span /></a>.\n\nFor more details\, visit the <a href="">Ja pan Society website</a>. DTSTAMP:20240601T083206Z SUMMARY:Folklore Family Day: Celebrating Children's Day through Mukashi Ban ashi URL:/en/events/2015/05/03/folklore-family-day-celebrating-childrens-day-th/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR