BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20160121T000000Z DTEND:20160121T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Don&rsquo\;t miss your chance to meet Japanese tidying guru and international best-selling author&nbsp\;<strong>Marie Kondo&nbsp\;</stron g>and pick up tips for transforming your home into a happy\, organized spa ce! Named one of&nbsp\;<em>Time Magazine</em>&rsquo\;s Most Influential Pe ople in the World in 2015\, Marie developed a home-organizing method that has taken the world by storm. Attendees will receive a copy of her new boo k\,&nbsp\;<em>Spark Joy</em>\, a comprehensive\, illustrated manual on how to declutter every room in the house. In the new volume Marie also addres ses lingering questions\, such as what to do with those necessary objects that do not spark joy in our lives. The talk will be moderated by&nbsp\;<e m>New York Times Style&nbsp\;</em>columnist&nbsp\;<strong>Molly Young</str ong>.&nbsp\;<em>Followed by a book-signing reception.&nbsp\;</em><em>\n&nb sp\;</em>\n<strong>Tickets</strong>: $27/$24 Japan Society&nbsp\;<a href="">members</a>\, seniors &amp\; students*\n<em>Ticket includes a free copy of Marie&rsquo\;s new b ook\,&nbsp\;</em>Spark Joy<em>&nbsp\;(Ten Speed Press\, 2016).</em> DTSTAMP:20240601T001425Z SUMMARY:Konmari Your Life: Tidying Tips from Marie Kondo URL:/en/events/2016/01/21/konmari-your-life-tidying-tips-from-marie-kondo/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR