BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20170624T000000Z DTEND:20170624T000000Z DESCRIPTION:On <strong>Saturday\, June 24\, 7PM\,</strong> the <strong><a h ref="" target="_blank">Okinawa Association of America (OAA)</a> in Gardena</strong> will host a special screening of the award- winning documentary <strong>"Okinawa: The Afterburn" (Urizun no Ame). Acad emy Award-nominated director John Junkerman will be in attendance for a Q& amp\;A.</strong>\n\nThe 2-hour documentary is equally educational\, poigna nt\, and shocking. Split into four parts\, Junkerman covers World War II's devastating Battle of Okinawa in 1945\, the U.S. military occupation of O kinawa\, the trauma and complexities of war and occupation\, and the ongoi ng protests against the bases that still operate on the islands.\n\nMost i mpressive is the vast scope of the film: the director approaches each topi c from all possible angles\, interviewing Okinawan civilians who survived the war\, former U.S. and Japanese military servicemen\, organizers\, repo rters\, and professors. These firsthand accounts provide comprehensive ins ight into the history and current status of the U.S. military presence in Okinawa\, and the many complexities that come with it.\n\nJunkerman&rsquo\ ;s goal with this screening (and others planned in the U.S.) is to &ldquo\ ;convey the reality of Okinawa to the American public and the wider world\ , which [...] remains still today largely ignorant of that reality.&rdquo\ ; He continues: &ldquo\;The Okinawan people are not going to give up. But I don&rsquo\;t think\, in the end\, it is the Okinawans who are responsibl e for putting an end to the treatment of their islands as the &lsquo\;spoi ls of war.&rsquo\; That responsibility lies with the American people\, and with the Japanese people. Whether we will bear that responsibility or not is the challenge that is posed for us.&rdquo\;\n\nThe OAA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to preserve and perpetuate Okinaw an culture in the greater Los Angeles area. The organization is pleased to sponsor this thought-provoking documentary as a way to teach about this t ragic history as well as provide insight into some of the current issues t hat Okinawa faces.\n\nAdmission is FREE for current OAA members and $5 for the public. Due to limited space and parking\, priority seating will be g iven to those who RSVP by June 21: 310-532-1929\, Th e OAA Center is located at 16500 S. Western Ave.\n\nFor those that cannot make this event\, the OAA will be sponsoring a second event (screening onl y) on Tuesday\, June 27th\, 5:30PM at the Katy Geissert Civic Center Libra ry in Torrance (3301 Torrance Blvd\, in the Civic Center Library Meeting R oom). Admission is free\, but donations are appreciated. Space is limited. \n\nWATCH THE TRAILER: <a href="\;h=ATNYDBQuuIrFARCzj8chbP1gqeqC q7KRFqHHrXmDql0jUZKxhW8scIDxi9BgB7XZG28tw813jBOKeJjOP6oaATgTub6lSIT9bbTNLr YFJIHJg7lpM4wTV_7vZvMtJItdtPsH-Zi5YBb38aY&amp\;enc=AZNUSGgFNHPxJkIW5aaUPTB T0bIxLHTLFhlZgkYqsv4rLjE0xwbslFfWBG8L83YlCyY&amp\;s=1">http://okinawa-afte</a> DTSTAMP:20240602T091425Z SUMMARY:"Okinawa: The Afterburn" Documentary Screening (Director in Attenda nce) URL:/en/events/2017/06/24/okinawa-the-afterburn-documentary-screening-di/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR