BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20190927T000000Z DTEND:20190928T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Writing Life into Art!</strong>\n\nLaunched in 2013 and based in Vancouver BC\, LiterASIAN is an annual festival of Pacific Rim A sian Canadian writing and a community-building initiative of the Asian Can adian Writers Workshop (<a href="" targ et="_blank">ACWW</a>).\n\nThe first of its kind within Canada\, the festiv al&rsquo\;s purpose is to promote and celebrate the works of Asian Canadia n writers and artists through author readings\, panel discussions\, and wo rkshop events\, creating important and unique networking opportunities bet ween professional and emerging writers\, students\, and members of the bro ader public to learn and discuss topics of importance to Asian Canadian wr iting.\n\nPurchase a $25 Festival Pass on&nbsp\;<a href="https://www.event 22" target="_blank">this Eventbrite page</a>&nbsp\;for access to the entir e festival.&nbsp\;The Festival Pass includes admission to the Opening Rece ption\, all workshops\, book talks\, and panels.&nbsp\;If you&rsquo\;d lik e to purchase tickets to individual events instead&nbsp\;($10 for workshop s and closing event)\,&nbsp\;please click on the event you wish to attend in the schedule below and you will be re-directed to its specific Eventbri te page.&nbsp\;You will also find more detailed information on each event in their individual pages.\n<em>Friday Sept 2</em>7\nLocation: Chinatown H ouse (188 E Pender Street\, Vancouver BC\, V6A 1T3)\n\n6.00-9.00 PM:&nbsp\ ;<a href=" into-life-tickets-59973355922">Panel presentation &ldquo\;The Writing of A sian Canadian&rdquo\; featuring LiterASIAN authors C.E. Gatchalian\, Phili p Huynh\, Sally Ito\, Fred Wah\, May Q. Wong\, Rita Wong</a>&nbsp\;&ndash\ ; followed by reception catered by Ca Phe Vietnamese Coffee House + cake c utting\n\n<em>Saturday Sept 28\n</em>Location<em>: S</em>un Wah Centre &nd ash\; third floor (268 Keefer Street\, Vancouver BC\, V6A 1X5)\n\n11.00 AM -12.00 PM:&nbsp\;<a href=" sis-writing-life-into-art-tickets-59973355922#tickets">&ldquo\;Feeling the First Vague Stirrings&rdquo\; with C.E. Gatchalian</a>\n12.30-1.30 PM:&nb sp\;<a href=" ife-into-art-tickets-59973355922#tickets">&ldquo\;Writing From Scratch&rdq uo\; with Philip Huynh</a>\n2.00-3.00 PM:&nbsp\;<a href="https://www.event 22#tickets">&ldquo\;Events and Epiphanies: Writing Your Personal Myth&rdqu o\; with Sally Ito&nbsp\;</a>\n3.30-4.30 PM:&nbsp\;<a href="https://www.ev 55922#tickets">&ldquo\;Writing By Remembering Our Multicultural Pasts&rdqu o\; with May Q. Wong</a>\n5.00-6.00 PM:&nbsp\;<a href="https://www.eventbr #tickets">Closing event booktalk &ldquo\;Talking beholden: a poem&rdquo\; with Rita Wong</a>\n\nShowcasing: C.E. Gatchelian\, Phillip Huynh\, May Q. Wong\, Sally Ito\, Fred Wah\, Rita Wong\, Diana Morita Cole and many othe rs! DTSTAMP:20240603T061402Z SUMMARY:LiterAsian in Vancouver\, BC URL:/en/events/2019/09/27/literasian-in-vancouver-bc/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR