BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20201011T000000Z DTEND:20201011T000000Z DESCRIPTION:In March 1946\, an important moment in jazz history took place when Miles Davis and Charlie Parker\, two all-time jazz greats\, performed together at the Finale Club in Bronzeville/Little Tokyo. During WWII\, fo rced evacuation of Japanese Americans into concentration camps left Little Tokyo largely empty. African Americans coming West for defense jobs moved into Little Tokyo&mdash\;one of the only neighborhoods without restrictin g housing covenants. Bronzeville was born.\n\nDozens of all night &ldquo\; Breakfast Clubs&rdquo\; sprang up in Bronzeville\, patronized by jazz musi cians and aficionados eager to continue listening to and making music afte r hours. One of these was the Finale Club which opened in the fall of 1944 at 230 &frac12\; E. First Street\, Los Angeles. This year\, the Little To kyo Historical Society (LTHS) unveiled the historic LA City plaque for the Finale Club on First Street to memorialize the extraordinary and rare per formance of jazz greats Charlie Parker and Miles Davis at the Finale Club and to honor the continued relationship between the Black and Japanese Ame rican communities.\n\nLTHS invites you to experience the rich artistic and musical history of Little Tokyo during the Bronzeville Era in a celebrati on of live music\, Bronzeville scholars\, photos\, and videos. Performers and speakers will include the <strong>Ron Kobayashi band</strong> and hist orians <strong>Hillary Jenks</strong> and <strong>Kirk Silsbee</strong>\, along with brief remarks by Miles Davis&rsquo\; son\, <strong>Erin Davis</ strong>.\n\n<em>This program is presented in partnership with <a href="htt ps://" target="_blank">Little Tokyo Historical Socie ty</a>.&nbsp\;</em>\n<a href="" target="_blank"></a>\n<a href=" 8" target="_blank">WATCH IT HERE</a> DTSTAMP:20240602T105650Z SUMMARY:A Celebration of Bronzeville's Finale Club URL:/en/events/2020/10/11/a-celebration-of-bronzevilles-finale-club/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR