BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20201003T000000Z DTEND:20201012T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Nihonmachi Little Friends (NLF) will hold its seventh &ldquo\;B ig Steps for Little Friends 5K Run/Walk/Ride&rdquo\; virtually\, from Satu rday\, October 3 through Monday\, October 12\, 2020.&nbsp\; Proceeds from this fundraising event will benefit the children&rsquo\;s programs of NLF. \n\nRegistration for the event can be accessed through NLF&rsquo\;s websit e at <a href=""></a>.&nbsp\ ; There will be various virtual options available to choose from\, includi ng scavenger hunt routes\, as well as other outdoor and indoor experiences to do in a safe and fun way.&nbsp\; This year\, there is a ride option to bike\, scoot\, skate\, etc.\, in addition to running or walking.&nbsp\; E ach participant will be entered into a raffle drawing with the first prize being a 2 night stay in Napa.&nbsp\; A virtual Cheer Celebration on Sunda y\, October 18\, will announce the event and raffle winners.\n\nNLF is a n onprofit community-based organization providing Japanese bilingual and mul ticultural preschool and K-5<sup>th</sup> grade after-school programs to o ver 200 children annually\, in the heart of San Francisco&rsquo\;s Japanto wn since 1975. &nbsp\;Due to the current pandemic\, its preschool programs are operating at 50% of total capacity while its After School Program is at 35%. &nbsp\;Its programs use a creative project based learning approach to the curriculum which encourages critical thinking and problem solving skills development.\n\nContributions to NLF can be made on-line through NL F&rsquo\;s website\, or mailed directly to NLF at 1830 Sutter Street\, S.F .\, 94115.&nbsp\; Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by la w. &nbsp\;For more information\, contact NLF at (415) 922-8898 or via emai l\, <a href=""></a>.\n\ n&nbsp\;\n DTSTAMP:20240603T143223Z SUMMARY:Big Steps for Little Friends 5K Run/Walk/Ride URL:/en/events/2020/10/03/big-steps-for-little-friends-5k-runwalkride/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR