BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20210411T000000Z DTEND:20210411T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Film Viewing Period (Online): April 3&mdash\;April 11</ strong>\n<strong>Live Discussion &amp\; Workshop (Online): Sunday\, April 11\, 2 PM EDT</strong>\n\nDon&rsquo\;t miss Japan Society's family film sc reening of award-winning documentary <strong><em>Microplastic Madness</em> </strong>\, a unique story following the journey of fifth grade students i n Brooklyn as they learn about the effects of plastic waste and become act ive participants in the fight to save their environment! Through this insp iring film\, families with kids of all ages can learn to take on the roles of citizen scientists\, community leaders\, and advocates for sustainable change. On April 11\, join a special live online Q&amp\;A workshop for yo ung audiences with directors and activists\, <strong>Atsuko Quirk</strong> and <strong>Debby Lee Cohen</strong>\, as they discuss the sustainability efforts in the U.S. &amp\; Japan\, and how the youth from both countries can come together and enact change!\n\n<strong>**Don't forget to register separately for the Film Screening and the Family Workshop. Register for bo th events at our website:&nbsp\; astic-madness</strong> DTSTAMP:20240602T082640Z SUMMARY:Family Workshop: Microplastic Madness URL:/en/events/2021/04/11/family-workshop-microplastic-madness/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR