BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20220226T000000Z DTEND:20220226T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>FREE</strong>\n\nWhat differentiates “Nikkei food” from “Japanese food”? Is it how Nikkei families and communities combin e traditional foods with local ingredients? How does the food you eat expr ess your cultural identity? How does food help to connect your community a nd bring people together? What kinds of recipes have been passed down from generation to generation in your family?\n\nJoin us as we explore what is “Nikkei food” and the role that it plays in our families and communit ies around the world in this virtual program via Zoom. Japanese American w riter\,<strong> Gil Asakawa</strong>\, will introduce and moderate the pr ogram. <strong>Shigeru Kojima</strong> (Japanese Overseas Migration Muse um\, Yokohama\, Japan) will make a presentation about Nikkei food. Partici pants will then have the opportunity to participate in facilitated small g roup discussions about the topic.\n\nThe main presentations will be in Eng lish with simultaneous translations available in Spanish and Portuguese. S mall group sessions will be led by facilitators in English\, Spanish\, and Portuguese. In addition to the breakout sessions\, the virtual rooms will be kept open for an hour following the formal program for an optional net working opportunity.\n\nThis program is FREE\, but registration is require d using the form below. Limited space is available\, so sign up now!\n\n<s trong><a href="" target="_blank"> REGISTER NOW</a></strong>\n\n<strong>DEADLINE TO REGISTER: 5 P.M. (PST) ON FRIDAY\, FEBRUARY 25</strong>\n\n<em>This program is presented by JANM’ s Discover Nikkei project. Community Partners: JCI-Brazil\, Nikkei Austra lia\, and Asociación Peruano Japonesa.</em>\n\n<em></em>\n\n<strong>Satur day\, February 26\, 2022</strong>\n\n<ul><li>1 p.m. (Honolulu)</li><li>3 p .m. (Los Angeles / Seattle / Vancouver)</li><li>5 p.m. (Mexico City / Chic ago)</li><li>6 p.m. (Lima / New York / Toronto)</li><li>8 p.m. (São Paulo / Buenos Aires)</li><li>11 p.m. (London)</li></ul>\n\n<strong>Sunday\, Fe bruary 27\, 2022</strong>\n\n<ul><li>12 a.m. (Amsterdam)</li><li>7 a.m. (M anila)</li><li>8 a.m. (Tokyo)</li><li>10 a.m. (Sydney)</li></ul> DTSTAMP:20240606T064755Z SUMMARY:What Is Nikkei Food? URL:/en/events/2022/02/26/what-is-nikkei-food/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR