BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20220330T000000Z DTEND:20220330T000000Z DESCRIPTION: utalist-architecture\n\nBrutalist architecture on Japan's Okinawa Prefectu re was born of necessity\, as seasonal typhoons are commonplace and concre te buildings can better withstand severe weather than those made of wood a nd other natural materials. Today\, 90 percent of new buildings on Okinawa are made of concrete\, reflecting in architecture the post-Occupation Ame ricanization of Japan. This live webinar explores the little-known Brutali st architecture on Okinawa as part of special programming commemorating th e 50th anniversary year of Okinawa's return to Japanese sovereignty from t he U.S. in 1972. Speakers also address the problems of concrete as a build ing material\, considering sustainable strategies such as re-use and longe vity while questioning its continued prevalence in building and associated environmental costs.\n\nSpeakers: Paul Tulett\, Michael Kubo\nModerator: Tiffany Lambert\n\nThis is a free event\, with advance registration requir ed. <em>Pay What You Wish</em> options are also available to support our innovative programs. The program will be live-streamed through YouTube\, and registrants will receive the viewing link by email on the day before t he event. Participants can submit questions through YouTube during the liv e stream.\n\nTop Image: Photography by @brutal_zen / ©Paul Tulett 2022\n\ n DTSTAMP:20240611T091300Z SUMMARY:Concrete Paradise: Okinawan Brutalist Architecture (Live Webinar) URL:/en/events/2022/03/30/concrete-paradise-okinawan-brutalist-architecture / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR