BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20221110T000000Z DTEND:20230131T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>LITTLE TOKYO HISTORICAL SOCIETY \nSEEKS ENTRIES FOR 202 3 SHORT STORY CONTEST</strong>\n\n<strong>Imagine Little Tokyo Marks 10th Milestone Year with Special $1\,000 Prizes</strong>\n\nTo celebrate the 10 th anniversary of the Imagine Little Tokyo Short Story Contest\, the Littl e Tokyo Historical Society (LTHS) will award a special prize of $1\,000 to each top story in three categories: Adult\, Youth (18 and under)\, and Ja panese language. The winning stories will also be published on the Discove r Nikkei and Little Tokyo Historical Society websites and the Rafu Shimpo newspaper. The deadline is January 31\, 2023. The contest is presented by LTHS in partnership with the Japanese American National Museum's Discover Nikkei project.\n\nThe purpose of the contest is to raise awareness of Lit tle Tokyo through a creative story that takes place in Little Tokyo. The s tory has to be fictional and set in a current\, past or future Little Toky o in the City of Los Angeles\, California. The short story committee will be specifically looking for stories that capture the spirit and sense of L ittle Tokyo.\n\nA hybrid ceremony and dramatic readings of the winning sto ries are also being planned for spring 2023 at the Japanese American Natio nal Museum.\n\nFor more information and guidelines:  <a href="https://ww" target="_blank">https://www.littletokyohs. org/new-page-2</a>\n\nIf you would like to financially contribute to the c ontest\, e-mail <a href="">imaginelittl</a> DTSTAMP:20240603T091114Z SUMMARY:10th Anniversary Imagine Little Tokyo Short Story Contest URL:/en/events/2022/11/10/10th-anniversary-imagine-little-tokyo-short-story / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR