BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20091024T000000Z DTEND:20091024T000000Z DESCRIPTION:CONVERSATIONS is a new National Museum public program series fe aturing intimate conversations with prominent individuals about their pers onal and professional inspirations\, discoveries\, and influences. The pro gram series is an ideal opportunity for our younger generation to develop a deeper understanding and connection with the Japanese American story and community.\n\nThe series' first program is an exclusive opportunity to he ar directly from two notable leaders from our community\, Secretary Norman Y. Mineta and Actor/Activist George Takei. Hear their personal journeys f rom being incacerated in camp during World War II to their prospective car eers in the public eye.\n\nCocktail reception to follow. Sponsorships and ticketed packages available. <a href=" NM_Oct24_Mineta-Takei-sponsor-form.pdf">Click here for sponsor benefits an d form.</a> All proceeds to support the National Museum's educational prog ramming and outreach.\n\nFor more information call 213.625.0414\, ext. 224 9.\n\nThis program is sponsored\, in part\, by Presenting Sponsor Toyota M otor Sales\, USA\, Inc.\, with additional support by American Fish &amp\; Seafood\, Manabi &amp\; Sumi Hirasaki\, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Tr ansportation Authority\, and Miyako Hotel LA &amp\; Miyako Hybrid Hotel To rrance.\n\nReception sponsored by Bill &amp\; Sumi Hughes\, Hakutsuru Sake \, and Kirin and media sponsors <em>The Rafu Shimpo</em>.\n\n DTSTAMP:20240602T123754Z SUMMARY:CONVERSATIONS with Norman Mineta & George Takei URL:/en/events/2009/10/24/conversations-with-norman-mineta-george-takei/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR