BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100213T000000Z DTEND:20100612T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Japanese Canadian National Museum presents... \n<strong>Ohanash i: The Story of Our Elders </strong>\nA public screening of Ohanashi: The Story of Our Elders \, a 10-part series of life stories of Japanese Canadi an elders\, directed by Susanne Tabata and produced by the Japanese Canadi an National Museum.\n\nFebruary 13\, March 13\, April 10\, May 8\, June 12 \, 2010\, 2pm \n(A 5-part showcase) \nAdmission by donation \nNational Nik kei Museum and Heritage Centre \n6688 Southoaks Crescent\, Burnaby\, BC V5 E 4M7 \n604.777.7000 |\n\nSome screenings will be followed by a discussion about the Japanese Canadian internment lead by Leslie Komori. Leslie Komori is a third generation Vancouverite. She is active in the Ja panese Canadian community\, creator of the Lemon Creek Map Project\, and a member of several Taiko groups.\n\n<strong>February 13\, 2pm </strong>\nK azue Oye (30 min) and Alfie Kamitakahara (43 min) \nAfter completing grade 8 in Steveston\, Kazue Oye went to Japan for higher education. She marrie d and had two children in Canada\, but was widowed soon after. During WWII she worked at the self-supporting community of Christina Lake. \nAlfie Ka mitakahara grew up in Steveston and spent internment years in Slocan. Foll owing internment\, he worked on a farm in Alberta before starting his own insurance agency. \nKazue Oye and Alfie Kamitakahara will be in attendance .\n\n<strong>\nMarch 13\, 2pm </strong>\nTom Sando Kuwabara and Shig Kuwab ara (47 min) and Susumu Tabata (44 min) \nBrothers Tom Sando and Shig Kuwa bara were born in Skeena River\, and were sent to a prisoner-of-war camp d uring WWII. After the war they were offered jobs in Northern Manitoba. \nS usumu Tabata was born in Steveston and spent the internment years in Kaslo . He later worked in Nanaimo and earned a Masters in Oceanography from UBC \, and a PhD from the University of Tokyo. \nShig Kuwabara and Susumu Taba ta will be in attendance.\n\n<strong>April 10\, 2pm </strong>\nMarie Katsu no (35 min) and Shirley Omatsu (44 min) \nMarie Katsuno grew up in East Bu rnaby and West Vancouver where her family was part of a fishing village. D uring the internment her family lived in New Denver\, and after the war th ey moved to Japan. She returned to Canada with her husband in 1994. \nShir ley Omatsu grew up on Powell Street and went to the self-sustaining commun ity of Notch Hill in the Okanagan Valley during WWII. Following internment \, she returned to Vancouver and managed a high-end hair salon. \nMarie Ka tsuno and Shirley Omatsu will be in attendance.\n\n<strong>\nMay 8\, 2pm < /strong>\nMidge Ayukawa (33 min) and May Komiyama (34 min) \nMidge Ayukawa grew up in a mixed-background neighbourhood in Vancouver until the interm ent separated her family. Her father was sent away to a labour camp and th e rest of her family went to Lemon Creek. Later on\, she earned her PhD at the University of Victoria studying Japanese Canadian history. \nBorn in Vancouver\, May was raised in a non-Japanese neighbourhood. Her nursing sc hool training was disrupted by internment and the family&rsquo\;s move to Kaslo. After internment she completed nursing at Guelph. \nMidge Ayukawa w ill be in attendance.\n\n<strong>June 12\, 2pm </strong>\nIrene Tsuyuki (4 5 min) and Tak Miyazaki (35 min) \nBorn and raised on Powell Street\, Iren e Tsuyuki and her family moved to Tashme during internment. After internme nt\, her father&rsquo\;s poor health took the family to Japan\, where he r ecovered. Irene worked there but never felt welcome\, and she had to be sp onsored by a family in Canada in order to return. \nBorn in Steveston\, Ta k Miyazaki spent time in the internment communities of Bridge River and Mi nto City. After internment\, he returned to the coast to help his father i n the fishing industry. He represented Steveston during the redress settle ment and is active in the local Buddhist community. \nIrene Tsuyuki will b e in attendance. \n\n* The title ohanashi means &lsquo\;story&rsquo\; in J apanese. DTSTAMP:20240603T174814Z SUMMARY:Public Screening\, Ohanashi: The Story of Our Elders at JCNM URL:/en/events/2010/02/13/public-screening-ohanashi-the-story-of-our-elder/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR