BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100705T000000Z DTEND:20100705T000000Z DESCRIPTION:A Staged Reading of:\n\n<em><strong>PAINTING BY NUMBERS</strong ></em>\n\nby <strong>Leslie Ishii</strong> and <strong>Karen Samski</stron g>\nDirected by <strong>Michelle Spears\n</strong>\n\nWhat chance does the heart and mind have in the struggle between old conventions and inevitabl e change?&nbsp\; You either break free or break down.&nbsp\; What will it be for Kit Yamamoto?&nbsp\; In <em>Painting by Numbers</em>\, we take an A usten-esque turn around the room with the Yamamoto's\, a 21st-century Japa nese American family.&nbsp\; The public face is the modern model minority. &nbsp\; But behind closed doors the stereotype of two generations is broke n.&nbsp\; And it&rsquo\;s not what you think...\n\n<strong>DATE:</strong>& nbsp\; Monday\, July 5\, 2010\n<strong>TIME:</strong>&nbsp\; 8:00 p.m.\n<s trong>LOCATION:</strong>&nbsp\; The Road Theatre at the Lankershim Arts Ce nter\n5108 Lankershim Blvd\nNorth Hollywood\, CA 91601\n<strong>ADMISSION: </strong>&nbsp\; FREE\n\nPerformed by\n<strong>Kimiko Gelman\nLisa Fredric kson\nFran Bennett\nKaren Lew\nPaul Nakauchi\nLane Nishikawa\nEwan Chung\n Greg Watanabe\nLynn Clark\nHelen Ota\nJohn DeMita\nBlake Kushi\nJames Dyer </strong> DTSTAMP:20240612T081556Z SUMMARY:Play Reading of PAINTING BY NUMBERS URL:/en/events/2010/07/05/play-reading-of-painting-by-numbers/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR