BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20101112T000000Z DTEND:20110212T000000Z DESCRIPTION:School of the Art Institute of Chicago Sullivan Galleries\n Rec eption: Friday\, Nov. 12\, 2010 6&ndash\;8 p.m.\n Exhibition runs Nov. 13\ , 2010 through Feb. 12\, 2011. Public Gallery hours are Tuesday&ndash\;Sat urday\, 11 a.m.&ndash\;6 p.m.\n Free admission\n \n Over the course of a h alf-century\, Ray Yoshida (1930&ndash\;2009\, SAIC class of 1953) was one of the most vital American artistic figures to emerge from the Midwest. Hi s singular importance is due both to his artwork and his position as an ed ucator and colleague at SAIC. Curated by SAIC faculty member John Corbett and Jim Dempsey\, this exhibition will be the first to examine Yoshida&rsq uo\;s oeuvre and its relation to his life at SAIC\, while placing it histo rically at the crucial juncture of mid-century Chicago that saw a transiti on from an expressionist orientation to a pop idiom.\n \n The core of the exhibition is a retrospective of Yoshida&rsquo\;s art featuring works from the artist&rsquo\;s estate and rarely seen pieces culled from a range of private and institutional collections. Parallel to the retrospective\, add itional works by colleagues and students consider Yoshida&rsquo\;s work in relation to formative influences\, influences from contemporary colleague s\, and the open dialogue between Yoshida and his students. For more infor mation\, please call 312.629.6635 or visit <a href=" t_design/galleries/index.html#exhibit_info/top" target="_blank"> xhibitions</a> . For more information about the concurrent presentation of Yoshida&rsquo\;s work at the Art Institute of Chicago&rsquo\;s Modern Win g from Nov. 12\, 2010 through May 8\, 2011\, please visit <a href="http://" target="_blank"></a>\n<a href ="">http://www.nyu-apast</a> DTSTAMP:20240601T123008Z SUMMARY:TOUCH AND GO: RAY YOSHIDA AND HIS SPHERES OF INFLUENCE URL:/en/events/2010/11/12/touch-and-go-ray-yoshida-and-his-spheres-of-influ / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR