BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20110413T000000Z DTEND:20110515T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong></strong> Naoto Nakagawa&rsquo\;s early work investig ated the nature of things\, the psychological baggage that we so willingl y let our common household items carry. This led to years of contrived st ill life paintings full of socio-sexual\, art &amp\; culture references t hat later developed into nature paintings\, the environment that holds ou r things. Since the 90s\, the titles of each of the series of nature pain tings - <em>Song of the Earth</em> \, <em>Forest of Eden</em> \, and most recently\, <em>Earth Wave</em> - exhibit the artists move through various examinations of how the big thing\, life and death\, inextricably feed of f each other. \n \n In the <em>Earth Wave</em> paintings\, the artist has added a compositional device\, transparent concentric rectangles - frames \, portals\, layers\, time lapses\, geometry: man made things - that disr upt yet also concentrate his images of the natural world. And while the palette is pumped up\, it is also limited and used as a way to graduate a nd spatially define the territory of each the concentric rectangles. Laye ring and intersecting the representation of flowers and foliage\, they cr eate a push and pull\, if not a pulsing\, that leads us into the central focus of the painting\, the center of a flower which in its representatio n moves swiftly from vegetation to gender to the erotic core that is life and death. DTSTAMP:20240601T134523Z SUMMARY:Naoto Nakagawa: Earth Wave paintings URL:/en/events/2011/04/13/naoto-nakagawa-earth-wave-paintings/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR