BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120115T000000Z DTEND:20120115T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Event Information:&nbsp\;\n\nTicket: JCCC Member $70/adult (age 12 and older)&nbsp\;\n\n&nbsp\;&nbsp\; $50/child (age 4-11)&nbsp\;\n\nNon -Member &nbsp\;$105/adult (age 12 and older)&nbsp\;\n\n$75/child (age 4-11 )&nbsp\;\n\nEach admission ticket includes a meal\, $5 contribution to JCC C Foundation\,&nbsp\;\n\nand a raffle ticket. Pre-registration is required and no walk-ins are permitted.&nbsp\;\n\n*When you purchase a ticket\, a table for 10 people will be&nbsp\;\n\nassigned to you. The table number is indicated on your ticket&nbsp\;\n\n(mailed to you in advance or received at will-call table on site). &nbsp\;\n\n**On the day of the event\, please check in at the registration&nbsp\;\n\ntables located outside of the ball room. Your admission ticket is&nbsp\;\n\nalso a raffle ticket&mdash\; so\, please hold on to the ticket. You may be&nbsp\;\n\nable to win a prize at the drawing! Additional raffle tickets will&nbsp\;\n\nbe sold on the regi stration table.&nbsp\;\n\n***The JCCC will be taking donations for the Jap an Earthquake&nbsp\;\n\nRelief. Donation boxes will be set up before and a fter the party. &nbsp\;\n\nCancellation Policy: If you would like to cance l your reservation\, please notify&nbsp\;\n\nthe JCCC. All payments are no n-refundable after December 9\, 2011. &nbsp\;On-Site Childcare &nbsp\; Lim ited to 40&nbsp\;\n\nPlease note that only children over the&nbsp\;\n\nage of 4 will be allowed into the venue.&nbsp\;\n\nOn-site childcare for chil dren 6 months&nbsp\;\n\nto 3 years old is available from 10:30&nbsp\;\n\nt o 4:00 for $50/child for JCCC&nbsp\;\n\nmember and $75/child for non-&nbsp \;\n\nmember. &nbsp\;\n\nPre-registration is required for&nbsp\;\n\nchildc are. No walk-ins will be&nbsp\;\n\naccepted. For more information or to&nb sp\;\n\nregister\, please contact JCCC&nbsp\;\n\nSecretariat. &nbsp\;&nbsp \;\n\nEvent Program: &nbsp\;\nPlease note that this is a formal sit-down l uncheon event. The entire program will be conducted in Japanese. &nbsp\;\n &nbsp\;\n10:30 Registration Tables Open/ Raffle Sales Begins &nbsp\; 13:30 Performance by Jero&nbsp\;\n11:30 Doors Open &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbs p\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\ ; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\;15:00 Raffle Drawing&nbsp \;\n12:00 Greetings from the JCCC/Guests &nbsp\; 16:00 Closing&nbsp\;\n12: 30 Luncheon Begins&nbsp\;\n\n1/15/2012 (Sun.) 12pm ~ 4pm (Doors open at 11 :30 pm)&nbsp\;\nat Renaissance Schaumburg Hotel &amp\; Convention Center&n bsp\;\n1551 Thoreau Drive\, Schaumburg\, IL 60173&nbsp\; DTSTAMP:20240607T215626Z SUMMARY:Japanese Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Chicago New Year’s Pa rty 2012 Featuring Jero URL:/en/events/2012/01/15/japanese-chamber-of-commerce-industry-of-chicago/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR