BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130925T000000Z DTEND:20140126T000000Z DESCRIPTION:From <a href=" reographed-noguchi-and-ruth-page"></a> :\n\n<em>Space\, Choreog raphed: Noguchi and Ruth Page</em> was developed in a collaboration betwe en The Noguchi Museum and The Ruth Page Foundation\, building on a group of drawings Noguchi made of the great American avant-garde dancer and cho reographer Ruth Page posing in a sack dress he designed in 1933 to transf orm her into a dynamic embodiment of his sculpture <em>Miss Expanding Uni verse</em> (1932).\n\nThat piece had emerged from Noguchi's extensive effo rts to find a distinctive way to abstract the human figure- efforts great ly enhanced by his contact with modern dance\, and Page's form in particu lar- his study of ink wash painting with the Chinese painter Qi Baishi\, and his best friend\, the eccentric futurist genius Buckminster Fuller\, a sort of Three Musketeers of American ability and aspiration\, had been captivated by a series of lectures popularizing Edwin Hubble's recent di scovery that the universe was neither static nor tidily Copernican. It is hard to conceive a better visual metaphor for Hubble's new picture of th e universe\, a pulsating amoeba of out-rushing matter\, than Page in Nogu chi's sack dress.\n\nThe exhibition explores Noguchi and Page's personal r elationship and their two professional collaborations: the constellation of objects and performances that includes <em>Miss Expanding Universe</em > \, the dress and the dances it inspired and Page's post- World War II da nce <em>The Bells</em> \, based on Edgar Allen Poe's poem of the same nam e\, for which Noguchi designed costumes and a set. The exhibition has bee n scheduled to coincide with <em>Isamu Noguchi and Qi Baishi: Beijing 193 0</em> \, also on view at the Museum this fall.\n\nImage: <em>Ruth Page in Isamu Noguchi's Sack Dress 1934</em> \, Attributed to Andre Delfau\, c. 1 970's\n\nHours\nWednesday\, Thursday\, Friday: 10:00am-5:00pm\n Saturday & amp\; Sunday: 11:00am-6:00pm\n Monday &amp\; Tuesday: CLOSED\n\nThe Museum is closed on Thanksgiving Day\, Christmas Day and New Year's Day.\n\nAdmi ssion<strong>\n</strong>\nGeneral admission: $10\n Senior Citizens: $5 \n Students with a valid ID: $5\n NYC public high school students with a vali d ID: FREE\n Children under 12: FREE\n Members: FREE (<em>Learn more about &nbsp\;</em> <em><a href="">Membershi p</a> </em> )&nbsp\;&nbsp\;<strong>\n</strong>\n\nOn the first Friday of e very month year-round\, Museum admission is pay-what-you-wish. <em>\n</em> \n\nAlso on view: <a href=" oguchi-and-qi-baishi-beijing-1930">Isamu Noguchi and Qi Baishi: Beijing 19 30</a> DTSTAMP:20240601T140016Z SUMMARY:Space\, Choreographed: Noguchi and Ruth Page URL:/en/events/2013/09/25/space-choreographed-noguchi-and-ruth-page/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR