BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20140201T000000Z DTEND:20140615T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong><em>Capturing a Generation through the Eye of a Lens:&n bsp\;The Photographs of Frank C. Hirahara\, 1948-54</em></strong>\n on dis play at the Oregon Nikkei Legacy Center\n February 1 - June 15\, 2014\n\n< em>Capturing a Generation through the Eye of a Lens</em>&nbsp\;features an extraordinary collection of post-war photographs taken of Portland's Nise i\, providing a revealing glimpse into their community and lives. Between 1948 and 1954\, Frank C. Hirahara\, a serious amateur photographer who wor ked for Bonneville Power Administration\, captured hundreds of photographs depicting community picnics\, beach outings to the Oregon Coast\, teen so cials and dances\, wedding receptions\, and life in the heart of Portland' s Japantown. As an active member of the Portland community\, Frank served on the Portland Japanese American Citizens League\, bowled with the Oregon Nisei Bowling League\, and was vice president of the Young Buddhist Assoc iation representing the Portland region.\n\nAs a member of the Photographi c Society of America\, Portland Photographic Society and the Oregon Camera Club\, where he served on the Board of Directors\, Hirahara also took pho tographs of aspiring local models\, Portland's Rose Festival Parade\, and was an award-winning photographer in Portland. A native of Yakima Valley\, Washington\, Frank honed his skills as a young photographer and photo edi tor of the Heart Mountain High School Tempo Annual while incarcerated duri ng World War II with his family at the Heart Mountain.\n\nThis multimedia exhibition features artifacts on loan from Washington State University's M anuscript and Special Collections and the City of Anaheim Public Library a long with a short documentary film\,&nbsp\;<em>Witness: The Legacy of Hear t Mountain</em>\, by Los Angeles ABC Channel 7 News Anchor David Ono. The exhibit will also share historic photographs from the Washington State Uni versity George and Frank C. Hirahara Collection of Heart Mountain which is considered to be the largest private collection of photos taken in the ca mp from 1943-45.\n\nOregon Nikkei Legacy Center\n Open Tuesday-Saturday 11 am-3pm\, Sunday noon-3pm\n<a href=" m"></a> DTSTAMP:20240608T224605Z SUMMARY:Exhibit: "Capturing a Generation through the Eye of a Lens" URL:/en/events/2014/02/01/exhibit-capturing-a-generation-through-the-eye-o/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR