BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20140601T000000Z DTEND:20140601T000000Z DESCRIPTION:COMEDY NINJA Film and Screenplay Festival aims to be an uproari ous three-day comedy free-for-all that will have audiences rolling in the aisles as it showcases the funniest work of comedic performers\, direct ors and writers from around the globe. \n \n Besides showing a bunch of ri b-tickling films\, COMEDY NINJA Film and Screenplay Festival will feature hysterical performances by stand-up comedians\, surprise celebrity appea rances and a rocking opening night party. There will also be a closing ni ght ceremony where COMEDY NINJA HIYAH! Awards will be handed out in all c ategories\, a screenplay competition and much more! \n \n COMEDY NINJA F ilm and Screenplay Festival is being presented by seasoned filmmakers Quen tin Lee (<em>White Frog</em> ) and Chuck Parello (<em>Ed Gein</em> ). Vet erans of many film festivals themselves\, Lee and Parello are looking to provide an unpretentious and memorably fun event for filmmakers that will allow them to network with industry insiders as their gut-busting work i s shown on a big screen to an appreciative audience. About COMEDY NINJA F ilm and Screenplay Festival Quentin Lee states\, &ldquo\;We want to celeb rate the things that make people laugh the hardest\, to show distinctivel y hilarious films from distinctively off-the-wall perspectives. This fest ival will be all about comedy with a kung fu kick.&rdquo\;\n\nCheck <a hr ef=""></a> for more info.\n\n<strong> For more up-to-date information about this event and others\, please visit the Japanese American National Museum's events page: <a href="http://www."></a> </ strong> DTSTAMP:20240608T032146Z SUMMARY:COMEDY NINJA Film and Screenplay Festival URL:/en/events/2014/06/01/comedy-ninja-film-and-screenplay-festival/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR