BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20160611T000000Z DTEND:20160904T000000Z DESCRIPTION:As a finalist for the coveted AIMA|AGO Photography Prize\, Chin o Otsuka\, a Japanese artist currently living in England\, completed a res idency at the Nikkei National Museum (NNM) in 2014. This exhibition featur es work inspired by that residency. Through her exploration of the NNM arc hives\, Otsuka discovered the early history of Japanese immigrants to Cana da and became fascinated with the stories of young women who came as &ldqu o\;picture brides&rdquo\;.&nbsp\; Otsuka will visually weave the stories o f these young women by combining archive images and new photographs in an audio-visual installation. &nbsp\;<em>Arrival</em>&nbsp\;captures the time of anticipation\, hope\, and adventure as they began their journey to a n ew country.\n\n<strong>Public programs&nbsp\;</strong>&ndash\; all events are free and open to the public\n\n<strong>Opening reception\n</strong>Sat urday\, June 11\, 2016\n3-5pm\, proceded by artist talk from 2pm.\nEveryon e welcome.\n\n<strong>Through Her Lens &ndash\; a panel on work in film by Nikkei artists</strong>\nSaturday\, July 16\, 2pm\n\n<strong>Preserving Y our Photographs workshop</strong>\nSaturday\, August 20\, 2-4pm\n\n<strong >Sunday Family Corner</strong>\nJune 12 &amp\; July 10\, 12-4pm DTSTAMP:20240601T144845Z SUMMARY:Chino Otsuka: Arrival exhibit URL:/en/events/2016/06/11/chino-otsuka-arrival-exhibit/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR