BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20170517T000000Z DTEND:20170517T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The transformation of a manga from Japanese original to English edition is an art that goes far beyond translation alone. At this panel d iscussion\, editors from top manga publishers Kodansha Comics (<em>The Gho st in the Shell</em>\,&nbsp\;<em>Sailor Moon</em>)\, Vertical\, Inc. (<em> Nichijou</em>\,&nbsp\;<em>Chi's Sweet Home</em>) and Yen Press (<em>Black Butler</em>\,&nbsp\;<em>Akame ga Kill!</em>) illuminate the creative proce ss of localizing Japanese content for the American reader. Panelists inclu de&nbsp\;<strong>Ed Chavez</strong>\, Marketing Director at Vertical\, Inc .\,&nbsp\;<strong>Tania Biswas</strong>\, Editor at Yen Press and&nbsp\;<s trong>Ben Applegate</strong>\, Director of Publishing at Penguin Random Ho use for Kodansha Comics.&nbsp\;\nThe talk will include a live demonstratio n of the translation\, editing and lettering process by&nbsp\;<strong>Dero n Bennett</strong>\, Letterer at AndWorld Design and&nbsp\;<strong>Ajani O loye</strong>\, Manga Editor and Translator at Penguin Random House for Ko dansha Comics.\n<em>Followed by a reception.</em> DTSTAMP:20240611T175700Z SUMMARY:Manga in America: How English Editions are Born URL:/en/events/2017/05/17/manga-in-america-how-english-editions-are-born/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR