BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20171001T000000Z DTEND:20171001T000000Z DESCRIPTION:In conjunction with&nbsp\;<em>Then They Came for Me: Incarcerat ion of Japanese Americans during WWII and the Demise of Civil Liberties</e m>\,&nbsp\;<strong>Goodman Theatre</strong>&nbsp\;hosts a series of narrat ive writing and performance workshops to&nbsp\;<strong>explore what &ldquo \;American&rdquo\; means and what responsibilities does freedom of speech engender?</strong> &nbsp\;The stories created in the workshops will be par t of a curated performance at the gallery on Sunday\, October 1\, at 3PM.& nbsp\; Workshops and performance take place at Alphawood Gallery.&nbsp\; P lease register by emailing&nbsp\;<a href="mailto:Education@GoodmanTheatre. org"><span style="color: #97c33c\;"> </a> . DTSTAMP:20240601T103924Z SUMMARY:Goodman Theatre Presents URL:/en/events/2017/10/01/goodman-theatre-presents/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR