BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20180729T000000Z DTEND:20180729T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Obon Festivals happen during summer\, and they celebrate life\, death\, and community. It is an important part of Japanese culture\, and they typically include dancing\, taiko\, food\, games\, and much more. It is a great family event.\n\n12:00 Noon Obon Festival Begins\n12:30 PM Tea Ceremony (Hondo)\n1:00 PM Shorinji Kempo-(Outdoor Stage)\n1:30 PM Temple T our (Hondo)\n2:00 PM Ikebana Floral Demonstration (Classroom)\n2:30 PM Ken do Demonstration (Outdoor Stage)\n3:00 PM Classical Japanese Dance\, Karao ke (Main Hall)\n3:00 PM Bonsai Demonstration (Classroom)\n4:00 PM San Jose Taiko Performance (Outdoor Stage)\n5:00 PM Obon Service (Hondo)\n5:15 PM Obon Odori Dance (Outdoor Stage)\n6:00 PM Raffle Drawing (Main Hall)\n7:00 PM Obon Festival Ends\n\nPublic Parking available at the Salinas Adult Sc hool (20 Sherwood Place)\, with shuttle service to the temple beginning at 11 AM. Please come join us!\n\nPlease visit Salinas Buddhist Temple's <a href="">website</a> for more information. DTSTAMP:20240608T055330Z SUMMARY:Salinas Buddhist Temple Obon Festival URL:/en/events/2018/07/29/salinas-buddhist-temple-obon-festival/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR