BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20190706T000000Z DTEND:20190706T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The Annual Cortez Obon Festival will be held on Saturday\, July 6\, 2019\, starting at 7 PM\, in the parking lot between Cortez Hall and Cortez Buddhist Church on Cortez Avenue\, between Santa Fe Drive and Linwo od Avenue\, southeast of Turlock.&nbsp\;Featuring live performances by: Yo ko Fujimoto and P.J. Hirabayashi and bon odori dancing by everybody.&nbsp\ ;\n\nOur Obon Celebration this year is called Satogaeri\, homecoming. This event is the one of the celebrations we are holding this year commemorati ng the centennial of the Cortez community.\nIn its annual appearance at Co rtez Obon\, Ballico Taiko\, a drum group from Ballico-Cressey Elementary S chool District\, and the Cortez Karaoke Singers will start the celebration at 7 PM . Dancing will start around 7:30 PM with musical accompaniment by the Cortez Karaoke Singers and Stockton Bukkyo Taiko. During intermission \, enjoy another taiko performance by Stockton Bukkyo Taiko while you are treated to refreshments. This year\, we will be featuring Yoko Fujimoto an d PJ Hirabayashi\, lyricist and composer of the song\, Ei Ja Nai Ka\, whic h beautifully tells the story of the people of Cortez.\nFor more informati on\, send an email to&nbsp\;<a href="">cortezob</a>.\nEveryone is welcome.\n<strong>Dinner\n</strong>Pre-fest ivities meal will be served from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.\n<strong>Festival Sch edule\n</strong>Live Taiko\nBon Odori Dancing\nBallico Taiko\nStockton Buk kyo Taiko\nCortez Karaoke Singers &amp\; Dancing DTSTAMP:20240601T080707Z SUMMARY:Cortez Annual Summer Festival URL:/en/events/2019/07/06/cortez-annual-summer-festival/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR