BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20190815T000000Z DTEND:20190815T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong><span style="color: #c21313\;">FREE</strong>\n\nSee the historic heart of Little Tokyo&mdash\;First Street North&mdash\;through t he eyes of artists and activists. Join us for a performance and the screen ing of two short documentaries about Little Tokyo&rsquo\;s resilient histo ry of fighting displacement and why many call it home\, including the West Coast premiere screening of Ken Honjo and Kuniharu Yoshida&rsquo\;s&nbsp\ ;<strong><em>First Street North</em></strong>&nbsp\;and Visual Communicati ons&rsquo\;&nbsp\;<strong><em>1970s: The Fight for Little Tokyo</em></stro ng>&nbsp\;which recalls the redevelopment struggle and the fight for housi ng\, services\, equal pay\, and the future of Little Tokyo through the acc ounts of Evelyn Yoshimura\, Mark Masoka\, David Monkawa\, and Lucien Kubo. \n\nThe screening will be followed by an inter-generational panel of commu nity organizers discussing Little Tokyo&rsquo\;s history of art and activi sm\, which continue to this day through the fight for First Street North. The panelists are musician&nbsp\;<strong>June Kuramoto</strong>&nbsp\;(Hir oshima)\; photographer\, director\, community activist\, and MANO YA co-ow ner&nbsp\;<strong>Zen Sekizawa</strong>\; +LAB Artist in Residence&nbsp\;< strong>Amy Sanchez Arteaga</strong>&nbsp\;of Cog&bull\;nate Collective\; a nd nationally known community organizer activist and teaching artist&nbsp\ ;<strong>Curlydynamite</strong>.\n\nJoin us in the lobby after the program to take your art into action with calligraphy with Japanese calligrapher and hip-hop dancer&nbsp\;<strong>Kuniharu Yoshida</strong>&nbsp\;and lette r writing with multi-disciplinary artist\, writer\, actor\, arts educator\ , and community organizer&nbsp\;<strong>traci kato-kiriyama</strong>.\n\nL earn how you can join the movement to stop the erasure of Little Tokyo and sustain our historic Japantown for future generations!\n\nThis program is presented in conjunction with&nbsp\;<em>At First Light: The Dawning of As ian Pacific America</em>. It is free\, but RSVPs are recommended.\n\n<a hr ef="\;txobjid=40 45499c-55d0-48f6-bda7-94f4a59decc3" target="_blank">RSVP NOW &gt\;&gt\;</a >\n<em><span style="font-size: x-small\;">In the Tateuchi Democracy Forum< /em>\n\nIn conjunction with the exhibition&nbsp\;<a href="http://www.janm. org/exhibits/at-first-light/"><em>At First Light: The Dawning of Asian Pac ific America</em></a>\n\nCheck <a href=" /#15" target="_blank"></a> for updates DTSTAMP:20240601T103148Z SUMMARY:At First Site URL:/en/events/2019/08/15/at-first-site/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR