BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20200505T000000Z DTEND:20200509T000000Z DESCRIPTION:I wanted to reach out to let the community know that:\n<strong> SANSEI: The Storyteller</strong>\nWill be performed live online at UNO Fes tival 2020\n<span style="font-family: arial\, sans-serif\;">WATCH FROM ANY WHERE AROUND THE WORLD!\n<span style="font-family: arial\, sans-serif\;">\ n<span style="font-family: arial\, sans-serif\;">On December 7\, 1941\, an attack on Pearl Harbour triggered events in Canada that may easily be des cribed as among the darkest in our history &ndash\; the internment and dis possession of tens of thousands of Japanese Canadians. Through an engaging blend of dance\, spoken word and loads of humour\, Kunji Mark Ikeda weave s a tale that is illuminating and profoundly personal.&nbsp\;<em>Sansei: T he Storyteller&nbsp\;</em>offers Ikeda&rsquo\;s observations about the int ernment\, his own discovery of where he came from\, and how Japanese Canad ians found peace. A multi-award winning &lsquo\;masterpiece&rsquo\; from a storyteller like no other. Audiences across the world have connected with the uplifting message of hope and perseverance.&nbsp\;\n<a href="https://" target="_ blank">$10-50 Access tickets are available here</a>\n\nWatch SANSEI anytim e from your own home! DTSTAMP:20240607T170041Z SUMMARY:JC Sansei: The Storyteller URL:/en/events/2020/05/05/jc-sansei-the-storyteller/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR