BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20200918T000000Z DTEND:20200918T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Join us for a Q&amp\;A with the grandchildren of Wakako Yamauch i\, Momo Nagano\, and Mary Nomura\, the subjects of&nbsp\;<em>Words\, Weav ings\, &amp\; Songs</em>&nbsp\;(2002).&nbsp\;<strong>Alyctra Matsushita</s trong>\,&nbsp\;<strong>Hana van der Steur</strong>\, and&nbsp\;<strong>Eri n Elora Marquez</strong>&nbsp\;will talk about their grandmothers and thei r impacts on the Japanese American community and beyond. They will also be joined by&nbsp\;<strong>Mary Kageyama Nomura</strong>\, the Songbird of M anzanar herself\, in a special appearance on the eve of her 95th birthday. \n\n<em>About The Film</em>: Wakako Yamauchi\, Momo Nagano\, and Mary Nomu ra were three teenaged girls&mdash\;American citizens living in Los Angele s in 1942&mdash\;when they were sent to concentration camps in remote part s of the country. Behind guard towers and barbed wire their creative spiri ts remained undaunted&mdash\;their lives fortified by art\, music and lite rature. Through archival footage and interviews with the subjects and thei r families\,&nbsp\;<em>Words\, Weavings\, &amp\; Songs</em>&nbsp\;(2002) e xplores Yamauchi\, Nagano\, and Nomura&rsquo\;s bold lives and artistic le gacies.\n\n<em>Words\, Weavings\, &amp\; Songs</em>&nbsp\;is available to stream on JANM's YouTube channel. Watch it here:&nbsp\;<a href="https://ww" target="_blank"> /watch?v=XBE4lRfxb2g</a>\n<a href=" xb2g"></a>\n<em>The JANM Digital Film Festival (JDFF) highlights works pro duced by the Emmy Award winning&nbsp\;<a href=" ts/" target="_blank">Frank H. Watase Media Arts Center</a>&nbsp\;through v irtual screenings and live Q&amp\;A sessions with those involved with the films</em>.\n\nPurchase the DVD at the&nbsp\;<a href=" m/products/words-weavings-and-songs-dvd" target="_blank">JANM Store</a>\n\ nClick on the link below to watch the program live on Friday\, September 1 8th at 6 p.m. (PDT):&nbsp\;<strong></strong><a href=" om/watch?v=NGuZQALLbJc" target="_blank"> uZQALLbJc</a>\n\nWe encourage you to subscribe to our&nbsp\;<a href="https ://" target="_blank">YouTube channel</a>&nb sp\;so you will be notified when the video is streaming live. You can also follow us on social media (<a href="" ta rget="_blank">Facebook</a>&nbsp\;|&nbsp\;<a href=" jamuseum" target="_blank">Twitter</a>&nbsp\;|&nbsp\;<a href="https://www.i" target="_blank">Instagram</a>). DTSTAMP:20240601T140304Z SUMMARY:JANM Digital Film Festival Q and A—Words\, Weavings\, and Songs URL:/en/events/2020/09/18/janm-digital-film-festival-q-and-awords-weavings/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR