BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20201205T000000Z DTEND:20201205T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong><span style="color: #c21313\;">$10 suggested donation</ strong>\n\nTelling the lesser-known history of&nbsp\;<em>Nikkei</em>&nbsp\ ;on the East Coast&mdash\;a community vastly different from West Coast Jap anese Americans&mdash\;author-historian\, consultant\, and attorney&nbsp\; <strong>Daniel H. Inouye</strong>&nbsp\;explores the unique stories of a d ivided community of Japanese New Yorkers before World War II. Through a we alth of primary sources\, including oral histories\, memoirs\, newspapers\ , government documents\, photographs\, and more\, his award-winning book&n bsp\;<em>Distant Islands: The Japanese American Community in New York City \, 1876&ndash\;1930s</em>&nbsp\;dives into the often unacknowledged rich h istory of New York Japanese American Issei and Nisei.\n\nInouye will discu ss his book\, focusing on a book chapter that examines the experiences of college students. He will be joined by award-winning journalist&nbsp\;<str ong>Fred Katayama</strong>&nbsp\;who will add a comparative contemporary d imension to the discussion. Katayama will discuss his experiences as a col lege student and an early career professional in New York City between the late 1970s and early 1990s. Both speakers will address differences in tra ns-regional Japanese American experiences and answer audience questions.\n \n<a href="" target="_blank" >Distant Islands: The Japanese American Community in New York City\, 1876& ndash\;1930s is available through the JANM Store</a>\n<a href="https://jan" target="_blank"></a>\n<strong>RSVPs a re required using the link below</strong>. You will be emailed links and i nstructions to join our conversation on Zoom. Please confirm that the emai l that you register with is the best way to reach you. Contact publicprogr if you have any additional questions or specific access conce rns.\n\n<strong><a href=" tab=2&amp\;txobjid=08684b13-b5ee-429c-9ba5-8cfb44c96bb6" target="_blank">R SVP NOW</a></strong> DTSTAMP:20240601T113807Z SUMMARY:Japanese American in New York: Nikkei Trans-regional Dialogue URL:/en/events/2020/12/05/japanese-american-in-new-york-nikkei-trans-region / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR