BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20210228T000000Z DTEND:20210228T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Little Tokyo in Downtown Los Angeles\, is again a destination w ith folks safely enjoying outdoor dining\, supporting small business retai lers\, and admiring all the unique charm of the 137 year old historic neig hborhood.&nbsp\; Hey... these all make for great elements for Imagine Litt le Tokyo Short Story Contest!&nbsp\; If your fictional story is selected f or the English-Adult\, Japanese or Youth (18 and under) categories you'll scroe $500.&nbsp\; That'll get you a bowl of tasty Little Tokyo ramen for months!&nbsp\; PLUS winning stories will be published in iconic The Rafu S himpo newspaper and LTHS and Discover Nikkei websites!\n\nSubmission deadl ine is Feb. 28\, 12 midnight PST.&nbsp\;The contest is presented by LTHS i n partnership with the Japanese American National Museum's Discover Nikkei project. For more information and guidelines\, refer to the LTHS News tab of LTHS website -little-tokyo-short-story-contest. If you would like to financially contri bute to the contest\, e-mail\n\nこのコン テストは、リトル東京歴史協会の主催により、全米日 系人博物館のディスカバー・ニッケイプロジェクトの 協力を得て行われています。ガイドラインその他詳細 は、下記URLまで:\n imagine-little-tokyo-short-story-contest リトル東京ショートス トーリー・コンテストは、個人、企業、団体の支援者 を募集しています。寄付や協賛金等についての相談や 質問は下記のメールアドレスへ DTSTAMP:20240603T125822Z SUMMARY:8th Annual Imagine Little Tokyo Short Story Contest URL:/en/events/2021/02/28/8th-annual-imagine-little-tokyo-short-story-conte s/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR