BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20210820T000000Z DTEND:20210820T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Coming together for a panel discussion about Asian American rep resentation in media are three local members of the community\, <strong>Le iLani Nishime</strong>\, professor of Communication at the University of W ashington and grants manager for the Seattle Asian American Film Festival\ , <strong>Gabrielle Kazuko Nomura Gainor\,</strong> activist\, dancer/chor eographer\, and arts administrator with Seattle Opera\, and <strong>Brett Kodama</strong>\, cinematographer and Director of 2016 documentary short < a href="">One-Two-One-Seven</a> about Japanese incarceration. Through the night\, attendees will hear from different per spectives and gain a better understanding of what it means to have Asian A merican representation in our consumption of media.\n\nThis online event w ill be the 6th Northwest Nikkei Museum (NNM) speaker series on Friday\, Au gust 20th starting at 7PM (PDT) via Zoom. Free to attend\, but registratio n &amp\; required. Registration will close on August 19th\, so don’t del ay! Zoom sign-in is required to attend this event.\n\n◆ Register Online* \n<a href=" tlROnrIe13QqPvzR3mdGepgflau4jWfAxhHPGVd74" target="_blank">https://forms.g le/mxTva8xoX4Fa7cPv8</a>\n*Registration will close on August 19th.\n\n◆ Learn more about the Speaker Series\n<a href=" r-series?fbclid=IwAR0T5yERXTVlufxeCq5srzVautwWLMxQ-dOoqgS7iNuFqqsukTASMZhG NfQ" target="_blank"></a> DTSTAMP:20240611T234938Z SUMMARY:Asian American representation in media URL:/en/events/2021/08/20/asian-american-representation-in-media/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR