BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20220122T000000Z DTEND:20220122T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<span style="text-decoration: underline\;">EVENT UPDATE\n<span style="text-decoration: underline\;">Due to the rapidly increasing COVID-1 9 infection rates in Los Angeles County due to the Omicron variant\, this program is postponed until further notice. All those who have already RSVP ed will be contacted when a new date is set.\n\n<span style="text-decorati on: underline\;">The safety of our community is of paramount importance to us\, as is our obligation as a public institution to do our part to suppo rt efforts to inhibit the spread of the COVID-19 virus. We will continue t o monitor public health guidelines and reassess as the situation unfolds. Please visit <a href=""></a> for more information regarding visiting JANM. \n\nB<em>eyond the Betrayal: t he Memoir of a WWII Japanese American Draft Resister of Conscience</em> b y Yoshito Kuromiya (1923–2018) is the only book-length memoir written by a World War II Japanese American draft resister of conscience\,Yoshito Ku romiya. Join editor <strong>Arthur A. Hansen</strong>\, a leading scholar of Japanese American history\, and <strong>Lawson Fusao Inada</strong>\, renowned poet\, in conversation with Kuromiya’s family around the groun dbreaking publication.\n\n<em>About the Book:</em>\nAs a World War II inma te at Wyoming’s Heart Mountain concentration camp\, Kuromiya resisted th e military draft on the grounds that the US government had deprived him (a nd his family) of his fundamental rights as an American citizen. Although a total of some 300 other inmates in the 10 War Relocation Authority-admin istered incarceration centers made the same choice on similar grounds\, Ku romiya alone has produced an autobiographical volume that explores in-dept h the short- and long-range causes and consequences of his wartime action.  <em>Beyond the Betrayal </em>is a book that makes it abundantly clear t hat the unjustly imprisoned World War II Nisei could and did exercise thei r patriotism not only by serving in the military\, but also by the act of refusing to do so in the name of civil liberties and social justice.\n\nTh e book includes an epigraph written by the draft resistance movement’s m ost prominent postwar promoter\, Frank Chin\; a preface by the draft resis tance movement’s most notable historian\, Eric L. Muller\; and a poetic foreword and afterword (the latter dedicated to Yosh Kuromiya) written by another significant postwar promoter of the draft resistance movement who is arguably the most reputed extant third-generation Japanese American poe t\, Lawson Inada. The book was edited by Art Hansen\, one of the leading s cholars and noted historians of the incarceration of Japanese Americans du ring WWII and Professor Emeritus of History and Asian American Studies at California State University\, Fullerton.\n\n<em>Beyond the Betrayal </em> will be available in the <a href="">JANM Store</a>. \n\n<a href=" p\;tab=2&amp\;txobjid=bd65818f-e62f-4818-826d-5fa25e5672c5">RSVP TO ATTEND IN PERSON</a>\n\n<a href=" spx?pid=196&amp\;tab=2&amp\;txobjid=bdf4bcd7-a88b-43a5-9262-19d1518788e6"> RSVP TO ATTEND VIRTUALLY</a> DTSTAMP:20240612T232404Z SUMMARY:POSTPONED: Conversation on Beyond the Betrayal with Arthur Hansen & amp\; Lawson Inada URL:/en/events/2022/01/22/postponed-conversation-on-beyond-the-betrayal-wit / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR