BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20240501T000000Z DTEND:20240501T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Enjoy a reading from <em>Gaman – Perseverance</em>\, an intr oduction from Mohammed Hashim\, executive director of the Canadian Race Re lations Foundation\, and a conversation between Art Miki and Lynn Kobayash i\, president of the Toronto chapter of the National Association of Japane se Canadians!\n\n<em>Gaman – Perseverance</em> is an in-depth memoir de tailing the intense negotiations that took place in the 1980s between the Government of Canada and the NAJC – negotiations which finally resulted in the historic Japanese Canadian Redress Agreement of September 1988 and the acknowledgment by Prime Minister Brian Mulroney that Canada had wronge d its own citizens. In <em>Gaman – Perseverance</em>\, Art Miki recolle cts his past experiences and family history\, revealing the beliefs and at titudes that shaped his life’s journey as a youth in British Columbia\, an educator in Manitoba\, and a community leader across Canada.\n\nWe can' t wait to see you there! \n\n<em>Gaman – Perseverance</em> Launch\nHer itage Lounge – Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre \nDoors open at 6:30pm \; the event begins at 7:00pm\nFree Admission.\nNo Reservation required. S eating is first-come\, first-served.\n\nThis event is presented by Talonbo oks and made possible by the Canadian Race Relations Foundation.\n\nFor mo re information\, see <a href=" erseverance-toronto-launch">Talonbooks website</a> DTSTAMP:20240610T200744Z SUMMARY:Toronto JCCC Art Miki Book Launch: Gaman - Perseverance URL:/en/events/2024/05/01/toronto-jccc-art-miki-book-launch-gaman-perseve/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR