BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20060707T000000Z DTEND:20060708T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Flower Drum Song stars Nancy Kwan and James Shigeta perform LOV E LETTERS by A.R. Gurney\, for two-shows only Friday\, July 7\, 7:00 pm & Saturday. July 8\, 2:00 San Francisco’s Herbst Theatre presented by Citibank. This will be their first performance together in San Franc isco since the groundbreaking film debuted in 1961.\n\n“We are excited t o welcome Nancy Kwan and James Shigeta to San Francisco. They are genuine Hollywood movie stars whose lifelong careers have served as an inspiration to an entire generation of Asian Americans” said Paul Osaki\, JCCCNC Ex ecutive Director.\n\n$150 for VIP Tickets for Friday’s show includes Fro nt Orchestra seating (1st 11 rows) and a post-show Private Reception with the actors and can be purchased directly from the JCCCNC to support the Ce nter’s programs\, services and preservation efforts.\n\n$40 Orchestra\, $35 Dress Circle\, and $25 Balcony seats can be purchased by calling City Box Office at (415) 392-4400 or online at <a href="http://www.cityboxoffic"></a> starting June 5. Group discounts availa ble for 15 or more. \n\nLOVE LETTERS is comprised of letters exchanged ov er a lifetime between two people who grew up together\, went their separat e ways\, but continued to share confidences. As the actors read the letter s aloud\, what is created is an evocative\, touching\, frequently funny bu t always telling pair of character studies in which what is implied is as revealing and meaningful as what is actually written down.\n DTSTAMP:20240601T132236Z SUMMARY:James Shigeta and Nancy Kwan in Love Letters at Herbst Theatre\, Ju ly 7-8 URL:/en/events/2006/07/07/james-shigeta-and-nancy-kwan-in-love-letters-at-h e/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR