BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20050714T000000Z DTEND:20060108T000000Z DESCRIPTION:July 14\, 2005 through January 8\, 2006\n<a href="http://www.ja">Japanese American National Museum</a>\nLos Angeles\, CA\, USA\n\n <em>Big Drum: Taiko in the United States</em> explores the growing phenome non of taiko (Japanese drum) ensemble performances through the use of seve ral media presentations\, historic photographs\, artifacts\, and even inte ractive opportunities for the whole family.\n\nGroup taiko performance onl y developed in post-war Japan and the United States and Japanese Americans played a major role in its growing popularity. With few models to follow\ , the original three Nikkei groups in San Francisco\, Los Angeles and San Jose built their own drums\, created their costumes and wrote their own mu sic. The result was the original three groups in 1973 grew to over 250 gro ups throughout North America today.\n\nThrough interviews of key figures\, highlights of group performances\, and even explanations of the construct ion of the different drums\, Big Drum presents a dynamic experience that u nveils the whole process involved in the development of a relatively new p erformance art. On display will be historic objects\, such as early drums made from old wine barrels and furniture tacks\, an original yagura used a t Senshin Buddhist Temple's early post-war obons\, and a six-foot-in diame ter\, 450-pound okedo constructed by Victor Fukuhara.\n\nVisitors to the e xhibition will also have the opportunity to try taiko for themselves throu gh several interactive elements including small percussive instruments for visitors to shake\, rattle\, and strike\; festival and performance clothi ng to try on\; Sony PlayStation game "Taiko: Drum Master"™ for visitors to test their game playing skills courtesy of Namco Hometek and RedOctane\ ; and during weekend afternoons\, taiko drums will be available for visito rs to play on the demonstration platform.\n\nFor more information\, please visit <a href=""> ts/bigdrum</a>. DTSTAMP:20240602T123819Z SUMMARY:Big Drum: Taiko in the United States at the Japanese American Natio nal Museum URL:/en/events/2005/07/14/big-drum-taiko-in-the-united-states-at-the-japane / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR