BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20060509T000000Z DTEND:20060509T000000Z DESCRIPTION:DOCUMENTARY ABOUT JAPANESE AMERICANS LIVING IN JAPAN TO SCREEN IN THE LOS ANGELES ASIAN PACIFIC FILM FESTIVAL\n\nFinding Home\, a one-hou r documentary\, is the latest effort by Southern California-based media ar tist and LMU Professor\, Art Nomura. Supported by a 2003-04 Fulbright Rese arch Grant\, Nomura spent the fall/winter of 2003 in Japan capturing visua ls and conducting interviews for this project. This updated version of the documentary features a revised voiceover by the video maker and additiona l visual elements. Art Nomura will be present for a Q & A session after th e film's screening.\n\nFinding Home is about Japanese Americans who have d ecided to live in Japan rather than America. The video examines what they have gained and lost with this decision. The six Japanese Americans featur ed were selected from an initial interview pool of fifty individuals. Res ponses to questions about lifestyle\, identity\, personal evolution\, and choice of residence\, provide insight into the expatriate experience of t hose who have chosen to live in their ancestral homeland. Additionally\, Nomura\, a sansei (third generation Japanese American)\, and a first-time visitor to Japan at age 57\, shares his impressions of Japan throughout th e documentary.\n\nMany of the people interviewed for Finding Home are feat ured in the Real People section of the Discover Nikkei website. Art Nomura is currently writing a book on the larger experience of producing the doc umentary and living in Japan. It is slated for release later this year. \n \nFinding Home will screen at 7:30 pm\, May 9\, 2006 at the recently compl eted National Center for the Preservation of Democracy at the Japanese Ame rican National Museum in Los Angeles. Directions to the Center and Museum are available at <a href="">http://www.ja</a>. Ticket and Film Festival information is availabl e at <a href="">http://www.vcon</a>. \n DTSTAMP:20240601T104602Z SUMMARY:Finding Home documentary will screen at 7:30 pm\, May 9\, 2006 at N ational Center for the Preservation of Democracy URL:/en/events/2006/05/09/finding-home-documentary-will-screen-at-730-pm-ma y/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR