BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20060706T000000Z DTEND:20060706T000000Z DESCRIPTION:TARGET FREE FAMILY SATURDAYS BEGINS SERIES WITH\n‘I AM. . . I CAN BE’ PROGRAM ON JULY 8 AT NATIONAL MUSEUM\n\nLOS ANGELES.—The Targ et Free Family Saturdays series debuts on Saturday\, July 8\, beginning at 11 a.m. at the Japanese American National Museum in Little Tokyo with the inaugural program\, “I am... I can be...” in conjunction with the cur rent National Museum exhibition\, kip fulbeck: part asian\, 100% hapa.\n\n Occurring July through November on the second Saturday of the month\, the Target Free Family Saturdays series consists of four special days filled w ith activities created especially for families. Sponsored by Target\, the programs emphasize fun activities that encourage families to learn\, play and grow together. Because of Target’s goal to make arts and cultural pr ograms like this one accessible to everyone\, regardless of their ability to pay\, this program is free for all families and admission is free to th e National Museum all day.\n\nThe theme for the July 8 program “I am… I can be…” is inspired by the work of artist Kip Fulbeck\, whose photo graphic exhibition explores the complex issues surrounding the development of individual identity. Fulbeck\, who is part Chinese\, English and Irish \, was interested in showing the diverse range of mixed-race individuals w ho are part Asian (hapa) and sharing their responses to the question often asked of hapa: “What are you?” The exhibition runs through October 29 \, 2006.\n\nVisitors of all ages to the Target Free Family Saturday on Jul y 8 will have the opportunity to become part of Fulbeck’s exhibition by taking a Polaroid photograph and responding to the question “What are yo u?” for themselves. Photographs will be added to the exhibition’s ever -growing interactive display.\n\nThe other activities for the “I am… I can be…” program will similarly encourage young people to examine who they are and what makes them special. In one workshop\, young people will learn how to draw themselves in comic strip form as their own superhero w ith their own chosen super powers. All activities are available to familie s who come between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.\n\nThe other Target Free Family Satu rdays are on September 9 (“More Than Crayons”)\, October 14 (“Family Folktales: Rabbits\, Roosters\, Monkeys\, Oh My!”) and November 11 (“ A World of Percussion: Shake\, Rattle & Bang!”).\n\nFor more information about any of the Target Free Family Saturdays\, call the Japanese America n National Museum at (213) 625-0414. DTSTAMP:20240601T143441Z SUMMARY:Target Free Family Saturdays begins July 8 URL:/en/events/2006/07/06/target-free-family-saturdays-begins-july-8/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR