Discover Nikkei

Edna Horiuchi


Edna Horiuchi is a retired Los Angeles teacher. She volunteers at Florence Nishida’s teaching garden in South LA and is active at Senshin Buddhist Temple. She enjoys reading, tai chi, and going to opera.

Updated June 2023

Stories from This Author

Thumbnail for Meeting the Kumamoto Relatives
Nikkei Chronicles #7—Nikkei Roots: Digging into Our Cultural Heritage
Meeting the Kumamoto Relatives

Oct. 19, 2018 • Edna Horiuchi

My first trip to Japan was in the summer of 2016. I was very nervous about meeting my recently-discovered Minami relatives, on my dad's mother's side. What  if  I didn't like them or if they didn't like us? I brought a whole suitcase of gifts or omiyage, carefully selected from Trader Joe's. I was visiting my son, Kenzo, who was doing a semester of study abroad during his junior year at U.C. Berkeley. The last time we had traveled together …

Thumbnail for Visiting the Former Family Temple
Nikkei Chronicles #7—Nikkei Roots: Digging into Our Cultural Heritage
Visiting the Former Family Temple

Oct. 3, 2018 • Edna Horiuchi

I had not expected to ever touch the temple entrance gate from the 1939 photo of my great-grandfather and his family. But here I was in Yamaguchi, Japan, reverently stroking and leaning against the weathered wood pillars and admiring the “Saikoji” sign. I was visiting my son, Kenzo, who did a study abroad semester during his junior year. This journey began nearly forty years ago, when I was a young woman in my twenties. I was intrigued by an old …

Thumbnail for Restaurant Memory
Nikkei Chronicles #6—Itadakimasu 2! Another Taste of Nikkei Culture
Restaurant Memory

Aug. 18, 2017 • Edna Horiuchi

My favorite restaurant in Little Tokyo is called Suehiro’s. It is a small Japanese restaurant on First Street between San Pedro and Alameda. It used to resemble a little mom and pop restaurant, but was recently remodeled to keep up with the rapidly gentrifying neighborhood. It is now more elegant and even has a wine bar, but it still serves the same comfortable, delicious food. I like the chicken sukiyaki with its hearty broth and steaming noodles. I always search …

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Nikkei Names 2: Grace, Graça, Graciela, Megumi?
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Episode 16
June 25 (US) | June 26 (Japan)
Featured Nima:
Stan Kirk
Guest Host:
Yoko Murakawa
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